
Why My Clients Get Results

Why My Clients Get Results

There’s a LOT of diets out there, and I continue to get women reaching out to me every week that are looking for something that actually WORKS.

So if all those fad diets worked for everyone, then you wouldn’t need me- a Holistic Nutrition Coach to help you lose weight, have more energy and get rid of your health complaints.
But unfortunately, many or maybe even most of those fad diets either don’t work at all, or don’t work for your life long term.

8 Simple Food Swaps For Better Heart Health

8 Simple Food Swaps For Better Heart Health

As we age, an important topic to learn about is heart health. Learning how to keep your heart healthy can go a long way toward enjoying years of good health.

Today, I’m going to share some practical tips and swaps to make heart healthy meals.

6 Ways To Eat More Greens

6 Ways To Eat More Greens

We all know that leafy greens are good for us, but it can be challenging to include enough of them in our day. But it’s important that we do because the high fiber content and the long list of micronutrients, leafy greens are important in a healthy diet.

If you feel like eating your regular salad all the time gets boring, then you will appreciate the extra ideas in this blog. There are plenty of other ways to incorporate leafy greens into your diet.

Ten Tiny Habits That Will Change Your Life

Ten Tiny Habits That Will Change Your Life

If you are like me, and many of my clients- we are always working towards self betterment. Over the years, I’ve included all kinds of new healthier habits to improve my life, and although I always share those with my clients- today I want to share them with you too!

If you've ever found yourself in the situation of wanting to change some parts of your life but not knowing where to start, I want to encourage you to start small. The decision to start will get the ball rolling, and starting small with mini-habits that become part of your routine will bring the lasting change you desire. Much more efficiently than you might expect, even.

Here are some of my favorite and quick one to two-minute habits that you can begin to incorporate into your own life. Try to include one new habit each week, and you'll be surprised how quickly they become a regular part of your everyday routine. And even better, these tiny habits yield significant results.