
Breakfast Cookie Recipe

Breakfast Cookie Recipe

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! It’s important that we start our day ‘right’ though - and choosing nourishing food is important for energy, a clear mind and to reduce cravings.

If you are looking for something convenient, a hint of sweet, and something you can grab and go, then good news! Rise and shine to a breakfast delight that blurs the line between treat and nourishment: Yummy Breakfast Cookie Recipe!

These cookies are packed with wholesome ingredients that can be both deliciously satisfying and a nutritious way to start your day!

Let's dive into this easy-to-make recipe that'll redefine your breakfast game!

Watch the video below and then you’ll find the full recipe below. I hope you give this a try!

From the Blue Zones to Your Plate: Women's Guide to Nourishing Health

From the Blue Zones to Your Plate: Women's Guide to Nourishing Health

In this blog, we delve into a captivating concept known as the "Blue Zone." I find this fascinating, so whether you have heard of the Blue Zones or not, I hope you enjoy this blog too!

 The Blue Zones are regions around the world where people exhibit remarkable longevity and exceptional health, often living well into their 90s (and beyond). What sets these communities apart is not just their impressive lifespan but also their high quality of life and low rates of chronic diseases. These unique pockets of vitality have piqued the curiosity of health enthusiasts and researchers, as they hold invaluable insights into the secrets of living a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Whether you're a woman seeking to enhance your well-being or simply intrigued by the science of longevity, todays blog about the Blue Zones promises to inspire and inform you on your path to better health and nutrition.

Let’s start with these so called “Blue Zones’— a term coined by National Geographic Fellow and journalist Dan Buettner. 

Eating Healthy Is Less Expensive Than You Think!

 Eating Healthy Is Less Expensive Than You Think!

If you’re on this blog, you likely have heard (or think) that eating healthy means expensive. I’m here to show you that is NOT the case and help you get started with more healthy foods (even organic) while staying on budget. 

There are countless reasons I hear for not eating healthy foods -- a hectic day at work, no time to shop at the supermarket, not sure how to cook healthier meals, or even not being able to afford healthy food options. These are real concerns, and with a few tweaks and understanding, you can soon realize these are quite easy to fix. And best of all -- healthy food does NOT have to be more expensive.  Most of the time, it's actually the least costly option. 

The US Department of Agriculture did a study which showed those on a budget how making healthier choices with food is not more expensive. In the study, it showed foods like carrots and pinto beans are much less expensive per portion than things like ice cream and sweet rolls. This might be the obvious example, but it shows a point. If you fill up on nourishing foods, then ideally you don’t also spend money on sweet treats. 

Foods that are high in saturated fat, added sugars, and sodium all resulted in being more expensive than vegetables, fruit, and grains. So that myth about healthier foods being too expensive is now officially busted. It just might be that people would rather buy the easy packaged foods, over a healthy choice like carrots. But over all, knowing that it can be done is great news, right?

If you've been making these same justifications, there is no better time than right now to explore healthier options at your supermarket. No time? Order it online. Even if you can't afford a delivery service, many supermarkets offer the chance to simply pick it up at your convenience at no additional charge. (this is what I usually do!)

Plus, it may even help you avoid impulse purchases for junk food. Let's face it…it's tasty, but it's not healthy. 

Simplify Your Week with Stress Free Meal Prep and Batch Cooking

Simplify Your Week with Stress Free Meal Prep and Batch Cooking

Meal prep can be a great way to save time, money and eat healthier. However, staying in the habit of prepping meals can be challenging. One way to make this habit easier is by creating a Sunday(or any day that works for you) meal prep system. This system will enable you to plan your meals for the week so that you have all the ingredients on hand and know exactly what to cook each day. 

Once you have that time carved out, another tip is to do batch cooking. Batch cooking is a great way to save time and money while ensuring that you always have nutritious meals. It's like batching any other task – it allows you to do multiple things simultaneously, saving you time and energy. So, if you're looking for an easy way to plan weekly meals without spending hours in the kitchen daily, batch cooking might be the perfect fit.