Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping Made Easy: Your Solution to Healthy and Budget-Friendly Choices

Grocery Shopping Made Easy: Your Solution to Healthy and Budget-Friendly Choices

Grocery shopping may seem like a simple, almost trivial task, but it’s an essential part of our daily routines.  It’s much more than just picking items off the shelves. 

We have to ensure we have the right ingredients for our meals, careful budget considerations to make the most of our resources, and effective time management to fit into our busy schedules. 

In todays fast paced world, where convenience often takes precedence, it’s easy to overlook the significance of this seemingly mundane chore. In this blog I’ll be sharing tips and strategies to make your grocery shopping experience efficient, economical, and even enjoyable.

Less Waste + Grocery Store Mistakes

Less Waste + Grocery Store Mistakes

With the cost of food on the rise, we all want to make sure our food stays fresh and that we are spending our money wisely on groceries. Without even realizing it, you could be making some common mistakes that dramatically shorten the lifespan of the groceries you bring home each week.

I’m here with some helpful tips to make your money and groceries go a bit further, and lessening food waste in your home.  

According to the EPA in the United States, 38.1 million tons of food waste was created in 2017. it's hard even to imagine how much 1 ton of food is, but 38.1 tons is unfathomable. And this doesn’t just happen in the US, it happens here in Canada and around the world to different extents. 

Food waste is a problem for several reasons, and we can and should take small steps each day to do our part in lessening that number.  

While you're throwing away your hard-earned money on food you didn't eat, you're also contributing to the methane emissions and adding to your carbon footprint.  Food waste will inevitably happen, but there are several helpful tips to keep it at a minimum.  

Let’s start before you even go to the grocery store. 

Keep These Items Stocked in Your Pantry!

Keep These Items Stocked in Your Pantry!

Preparation is key to eating well and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

When it comes to healthy eating, having a stocked pantry is essential to keeping you on track. It will keep you motivated to eat healthily, save you many last-minute grocery runs, and will ensure that you always have the staples for a healthy meal readily available.

Here are some of the best healthy items to keep stocked in your pantry at all times.

Eating with the Seasons and Grocery Shopping Strategies

Eating with the Seasons and Grocery Shopping Strategies

Are you eating and grocery shopping for foods that are in season?

Have you ever tried buying summer fruits in the middle of winter? If you have, then you know how expensive and tasteless they can be. Eating produce in season is so much better for your health, wallet, and the planet. Here are some great tips on how you can eat more in season.