
Growing Herbs and Spices Indoors for Flavorful Cuisines

Growing Herbs and Spices Indoors for Flavorful Cuisines

When it comes to flavor and health with cooking, herbs can make all the difference. The right blend of herbs can take a dish from bland to mouth-watering, and the best chefs know how to use them to create unique unforgettable flavors. 

The good thing is- we don’t need to be chefs to use herbs in our cooking. 

In this blog, we are going to talk about different cuisines, how to make your dishes taste more authentic and enjoyable, and then some of the best herbs you can use to add flavor to your cooking. 

Then, to make it easy and accessible for you to have herbs on hand, consider growing herbs and spices at home. Not only are these plants relatively low maintenance, but they can also be grown on a window sill or balcony with minimal effort. I’ll show you some simple herb growing tips to get your own herb garden growing. 

Let’s start with some common herbs to use in your cooking. There are many different herbs and spices that can be used to add flavor to your food. When choosing herbs for your next meal, consider what cuisine you're making and choose accordingly.

8 Herbs and Spices to Help Fight Inflammation

8 Herbs and Spices to Help Fight Inflammation

You have likely heard of many inflammatory conditions- and maybe you have heard some of the causes.

Since diet is thought to be one of the most important factors, it’s something we can also easily improve. Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet is notoriously high in pro-inflammatory foods, such as sugar, refined grains, and unhealthy fats. By taking a natural approach to your wellness through plants and herbs, you can promote better health while getting to the underlying cause of your inflammation rather than just covering up those symptoms.

Today- we are going to talk about herbs and spices to help fight inflammation.

Popular Holiday Herbs & Spices and Their Health Benefits

Popular Holiday Herbs & Spices and Their Health Benefits

What would the holidays be without warm, spicy aromas coming from the kitchen? Keep reading to find out my favorite holiday spices for this time of year.

The holidays are the best time for cooking, baking, and making warm drinks, and it wouldn’t be the same without some key spices that we all know and love.

Here are a few staple holiday spices and herbs and their health benefits— so you can stay healthy and enjoy this festive time.

Keep These Items Stocked in Your Pantry!

Keep These Items Stocked in Your Pantry!

Preparation is key to eating well and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

When it comes to healthy eating, having a stocked pantry is essential to keeping you on track. It will keep you motivated to eat healthily, save you many last-minute grocery runs, and will ensure that you always have the staples for a healthy meal readily available.

Here are some of the best healthy items to keep stocked in your pantry at all times.