
Have You Tried An Elimination Diet?

Have You Tried An Elimination Diet?

Have You Tried An Elimination Diet?

An elimination diet might be something you want to consider if you have been experiencing symptoms that just won't go away. Today, let's go over the pro's and cons, because you might be thinking 'is this for me?' 

Read on and find out! 

Pros and Cons of Elimination Diets

Our digestive system is a huge portal into our bodies. Lots of things can get in there that aren't always good for us. And because the system is so complex (knowing which tiny molecules to absorb, and which keep out), lots can go wrong. And that's one reason why 70% of our immune system lives in and around our digestive system.

This makes food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances a huge contribution to an array of symptoms all over our bodies. Things like autoimmune issues, inflammation, and even our moods can be affected by what we eat. If you have digestive issues or any other unexplained symptoms, you may consider trying an elimination diet.

An elimination diet is one where you strategically eliminate certain foods to see if you react to them. It can help immensely when trying to figure out if a particular food is causing symptoms because you’re sensitive to it.

You generally start out by eliminating the most common food allergens for a few weeks. Then you slowly add them back one at a time and note any symptoms (better or worse).

Let’s go over the pros and cons of this diet.

5 Natural Ways To Help Reduce Bloating

5 Natural Ways To Help Reduce Bloating

5 Natural Ways To Help Reduce Bloating

Do you ever feel a bit “overextended” in the belly after a meal? Perhaps “gassy?” Have you ever carried a “food baby?”

If you are nodding your head, then I know exactly how you feel. I have had tummy troubles most of my adult life, and I have spent so much time in the bathroom, that I know how you feel. 

Well, bloating is common. Up to 25-30% of people experience it regularly. It happens when you have trouble digesting. The symptoms come from excess gas, reactions to foods, or food not moving through you as well as it could.

There are many reasons you might experience these symptoms. Maybe because of a serious condition (disease), or a food allergy or intolerance (what you eat). It can also result from how you eat.

Tummy Soothing Ginger Tea Recipe

Tummy Soothing Ginger Tea Recipe

Tummy Soothing Ginger Tea Recipe

One of my favorite things is tea- and when you can mix health benefits with an amazing flavor, you can't go wrong. This particular tea is nice for soothing upset tummies, reducing bloating, indigestion and when you are feeling under the weather. 

Beat The Bloat

Beat The Bloat

Beat the Bloat

Did you eat too much? Full tummy? Bloated? Pants too tight after the big meal? Its no fun when you feel sick or bloated after you eat. It can ruin the mood, and send you home to bed early.

I have went through this, and I know how you feel. Its frustrating and awful to feel sick and bloated. UUgh. You don't have to suffer from tummy pain, or feeling like your pants are too tight. 

Here are a few simple tips to lighten the load during and after a big meal. 

When you sit down to eat, try these tips:

  1. Have small sips of water with your food instead of big glasses full. If you drink a couple big glasses of water/ juice/ pop, it dilutes your digestive juices in your tummy, and then takes longer for your body to digest. Try this during your next big meal, it really works!