Why My Clients Get Results

There’s a LOT of diets out there, and I continue to get women reaching out to me every week that are looking for something that actually WORKS. 

So if all those fad diets worked for everyone, then you wouldn’t need me- a Holistic Nutrition Coach to help you lose weight, have more energy and get rid of your health complaints. 

But unfortunately, many or maybe even most of those fad diets either don’t work at all, or don’t work for your life long term. 

So the big question then is… why are my clients the ones that are getting lasting results?


Many diets take a simple and singular approach- for example: 

  • Intermittent Fasting: just do not eat between this time and this time

  • Gluten Free or Keto: have rules of don't eat this and don’t eat that.  

  • Special smoothies or shakes: will promote that if you just have THEIR special smoothie, then you’ll lose the weight.

  • Weight Loss Meal Plans- tell you to just eat exactly this amount of food, calories and you’ll lose weight

These types of diets take a one size fits all approach to health. If it worked for me, it should work for you, right? Wrong. But that's what a lot of diets do. 

What I see time and time again with clients that come to me for support and mentorship and a plan that actually works, is that they've tried a lot of these one size fits all type programs. Most of my clients have previously signed up for something that has:

  • promised them serious results with before and after pictures that are very tempting when it comes to weight loss. 

  • been promoted by a celebrity that swears this IS the best new thing out there 

  • a big marketing budget to get it in front of you everywhere you go. 


However, just because a celebrity says it’s good, you see it everywhere, and it has people that have lost 100 pounds say it’s GREAT… doesn’t always mean that is true. I wish it was- but the media has all kinds of tricks up their sleeve- as I’m sure you know. 

We have to remember that we are individual people, and a one size fits all approach doesn’t work for everyone. You have gotten to where you are today in your health for individual reasons. Those reasons are different from that celebrity- or the person in the before and after picture.

So why would we expect our bodies to react the same as everyone else to a certain diet or shake?

Today, I’m here to share with you why my programs work. I want you to know the real truth. I want you to feel better about your past ‘failures’ and I want you to know that there’s nothing wrong with you. 

So let’s dive in. 

Why do MY clients get results? How can I take women that have tried all of the diets above to actually making simple changes that get results.


3 steps to why my coaching program works:

  1. I'm going to help you get to the root cause of the problem of what has caused your symptoms in the first place. Instead of just putting a bandaid on it (just do this thing and you'll lose weight) in my coaching programs, we dive in deeper, get to the root of the problem, figure out what's going on in your health, and in your life, and in your habits and in your routines. THEN we can make the necessary changes to get you going in the right direction. 

  2. Next step is to personalize a plan to move forward. Taking what we learned in step 1,  now we can ensure your health plan is set up specifically for you and your needs. Instead of just giving my clients a meal plan, I help you plan out an entire health plan to follow that works for your life.

  3. Last, I'm going to help you implement the things that are going to change your life. As my client, you will learn about your body in a deeper way, so that you can feel confident, proud and more knowledgeable in how your body works, and also ensure you are in control of setting yourself up for success for the long term. Having someone to answer questions, motivate you, support you and take action towards your goals can go a long way.

Want to learn more about getting results- whether that’s more energy, weight loss or creating some healthier habits in your life? I go even deeper into this in the video below:

Another key to success with my clients is that we look at MORE than just food alone. I guide my clients through a process of getting know themselves a little bit better, a little bit deeper and we include mindset work, self motivation and remove the guilt and shame that is so common in the diet industry. I help you look inside yourself to create the life that you want to have. 

So if you have been trying to follow a diet that doesn’t get to the root of the problem OR not personalizing it to your lifestyle, your likes, your habits, your routines, OR only taking the approach of a diet without any lifestyle support then it’s not going to work. 


Here’s why:

  1. A proper health program needs to take into account more than just food alone- it needs to include: hormones, sleep, stress, exercise and mindset if we want it to work long term. 

  2. We need to personalize the process. What I do with my clients is a really special connection and journey that we take together. And when you're just a number in a big company, or you're just buying the product, you don't get that personalization. 

A health program should provide you with a transformation in many areas of your life. 

  • When you sleep better, you will feel more like cooking a healthy breakfast

  • When you exercise more, you will have better sleep

  • When you are less stressed, you are less likely to make unhealthy food choices

  • When you eat healthier, your body will change. 

It’s ALL connected- and the process of transformation that I take my clients through is really special. 

This type of support can be life changing. 

Instead of just a diet that says- here's how many calories and here's how many carbs you should eat,  we're going to go so much deeper into your own personal journey. And THAT makes my programs work. 

That is what gets my clients success. They have something personalized to them. They have healthy habits that work for them. They have a plan. They have support. 

And so when you start looking at all of the diets and trying to plan your next steps, I encourage you, if you've done something in the past that didn't work, don't do it again, find something else. 

But, first- think about why it didn't work for you.  

Did it not work because they didn't personalize it? Did it not work because it was too hard to stick to? Did it not work because you have some underlying root causes? Did it not work because of some other reason? 

Take a few minutes to really think about that. 

Then do something DIFFERENT this time. 

Get the support. Get the personalization. Get the long term plan. 

I’m here to help. 

If you are a women that wants more for yourself, you are ready to put your health as a priority- then I want to help you. 

Click below to learn about working together:

5 Day Energy Reset

Are you ready for a boost of energy so that you can do the things you LOVE?

Join me inside this 5 Day Energy Reset so that you can build the simple, daily healthy habits that can change your life.