How To Create Sustainable Health From The Ground Up

There are plenty of fad diets and quick fixes that promise bikini body results. But are those approaches actually sustainable for your overall health and well-being?

There is a holistic revolution happening in the health industry, and it’s time to wake up and get on board because your health is no joke --and it’s so much more than the number of carbs you do or do not put into your body.

How To Create Sustainable Health From The Ground Up - blog post graphic

I was recently on Cait Scudder’s Born To Rise podcast’s episode, where we chatted all about how to prioritize your overall well-being through guidance and support, what good health actually looks like, and how to avoid the overwhelm and just get started.

You’ll want to listen to this episode to learn about the four main pieces of the puzzle that contribute to a strong health foundation. 

Similar to running a successful business -long-term, sustainable health is about building that strong foundation and taking small, consistent actions that will make a big difference over time.

In this episode, we cover:

  • Why you shouldn’t wait until you’re depleted to focus on your health (2:18)

  • How to incorporate more well-being into your life (6:31)

  • The parallels between holistic health and entrepreneurship (8:58)

  • How to create a strong foundation for your health and business (10:59)

  • The four pillars of health for longevity (11:43)

Let me know what your biggest takeaways from this podcast episode are in the comments and be sure to like any blogs that resonate with you so I can continue to share content of value.

Drop a comment below to let me know your thoughts on this episode. I’d love to hear what you learned.

Take this short QUIZ to kickstart your healthy habits and feel your best without: 4 Pillars Of Health Quiz