3 Things To Declutter For The Holidays

With December comes the festive season. The holidays are a time for celebrating with the people we love most-  from relaxing get-togethers with family to festive gatherings with close friends, this time of year is about spending quality time together and making happy memories. 

However, as much fun as the holidays can be, they can also be a source of stress, overwhelm and anxiety. Since it’s a busy time of year, then it can feel a bit much to get everything done on your list- shopping for presents, organizing family members to make travel arrangements, and juggling work and social commitments, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

Today, I’m going to share 3 things to declutter this December to help focus on what’s most important to you this holiday season.  


3 things to declutter this December

Declutter Your Schedule

During the holiday season, our calendars tend to fill up quickly with all sorts of events, from parties and shopping trips to seasonal get-togethers with friends and family members. While it might be tempting to say yes to everything and spend every waking moment running from one activity to the next, it's important to take a step back and remember that you don't need to do it all. 

Instead, take some time to prioritize the activities that are most important to you and your loved ones. This could mean only choosing a pre-set number of engagements you'll say yes to so you can have more time for quality family time. Or you may shop online more this year to save time driving around town. Prioritizing the important events first will allow you to re-arrange your schedule and get creative with finding time-saving hacks for giving yourself the downtime you need and deserve. So when those party invitations and shopping lists start pouring in over the coming weeks, don't hesitate to say no and feel proud for setting boundaries that feel good for you.

Declutter Your Mind

The holidays can be a time of great excitement, but they can also be a source of tremendous stress and anxiety. One effective way to alleviate some of that stress is to take a few minutes each day for meditation. Meditation has been shown to have many beneficial effects on the mind and body, including reducing stress levels and improving concentration and focus. 
It may at first seem like you don’t have time to add more to your to-do list, but you’ll quickly realize that carving out 5-10 minutes can actually help you focus better and even save you time.

There are countless meditation apps to search through, and I'm sure you'll find one that stands out. So take the time during the holiday season to calm your mind, clear your thoughts through mindful meditation, and reap all the benefits of it.

Declutter Your Diet

With the abundance of sweet treats, alcohol and heaping plates of food, let’s focus on decluttering the diet a bit to ensure we can enjoy the holiday season but not go overboard. 

Some options to simplify and declutter your diet in time for the holidays:

  • Enjoying a veggie platter at a party before enjoying a holiday cookie.  

  • Focus on eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and reducing your sugar intake. 

  • Adding one side salad to at least one daily meal. 

  • Have your snacks be fresh veggies with a delicious dip you love. 

  • Cut out that third cup of coffee for a warm and cozy Winter Tea. 

There are countless ways you can simplify your diet and make things easier and more healthy in the long run.

You'll start the new year feeling refreshed and rejuvenated by taking some time each day to declutter different areas of your life now. 

Nervous about gaining weight this holiday season?

Join this 2 hour live workshop to learn how to reduce the stress and overwhelm of the holiday season and get prepared to indulge in your best holiday season yet, without gaining a single pound.

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