Eat, Nourish, Repeat: A Health Coach's Daily Menu Plan for Simple, Healthy Living

Have you ever wondered what a Nutrition and Health Coach eats in a day?  It's one thing to stock up on healthy recipe books that line your kitchen counters (and collect dust) or to have a Pinterest board of recipes bursting at the seams -- but seeing how easily it can be integrated into your busy, everyday life is what makes lasting change seem doable.  Planning is simple, but taking action takes a bit more commitment and can be more difficult to do. 

I get asked often what I eat in my everyday life and how I make it simple enough to easily integrate it into a busy day without a lot of extra prep time.  Today, I'm going to share with you some things I eat in a normal day and together we are going to go through a one day menu plan for simple and healthy meals. I’ll show you how easy it is to eat foods that nourish you without spending hours in the kitchen prepping.

One-Day Easy and Healthy Meal Guide

In a typical day, my breakfast is a warm bowl of oatmeal. I prefer steel cut oats, and mix in chopped almond and pecans, blueberries and bananas, and then drizzle with maple syrup. It’s quick, easy and fuels me for the day ahead. You can find a healthy oatmeal recipe right here: Peanut Butter Overnight Oat Recipe

My lunch is usually either soup or some type of salad bowl. For soup, I have a few variations I make but usually it’s going to be a some type of mixed veggie soup (here’s some ideas). For salad I love making a quinoa salad, chop veggies I have on hand, mix up a simple balsamic dressing, add some chick peas and it’s delicious! See the recipe below if this sounds good. 

My dinner varies- but it’s usually quite simple. I don’t make anything too time consuming or fancy and I do put effort into a variety of nutrients. So it will often be something like: chicken, beans, vegetable either grilled or wrapped into a burrito. Flavorful, simple and healthy is my focus. You can try this Sesame Noodles With Chicken Recipe

I’m a BIG snacker. My snacks are things like apple and nut butter, smoothies, green juices, pineapple, veggies and hummus, crackers and guacamole. My mouth is watering thinking about this- as I mentioned, I’m a big snacker. 

And I make sure to drink at least half of my body weight in ounces of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.  Sometimes I love to infuse my water with fruit and often I drink iced tea and herbal tea in the day as well. Try These Yummy Infused Water Recipes

And yes, even Health Coaches eat dessert.  I don’t have a big sweet tooth- but frozen banana with chocolate drizzled is delicious- and I have some other simple dessert recipes here too: Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

One of my most passionate things to teach as a Health Coach is that healthy eating does not have to be complicated, expensive, or take a ton of planning.  You can achieve your health goals with the time you have right now, no matter how busy. 

If you feel like you sometimes get stuck in a rut of eating the same boring meals all the time, then let me help inspire you with a few new ideas to try!


Let’s look at some meal ideas that provide a balanced mix of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), ensuring you feel satisfied and energized throughout the day.

Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day

Start your day with a protein-packed, fiber-rich breakfast that will keep you full and energized until lunchtime.

Option 1: Greek Yogurt Parfait

  • 1 cup of Greek yogurt

  • 1/4 cup of granola

  • 1/2 cup of mixed berries

  • 1 tablespoon of honey

  • A sprinkle of chia seeds

Option 2: Veggie Omelette

  • 2-3 large eggs

  • 1/4 cup of chopped bell peppers

  • 1/4 cup of chopped onions

  • 1/4 cup of chopped spinach

  • 1/4 cup of grated cheese (optional)

  • Salt and pepper, to taste

Mid-Morning Snack: Fueling Your Day

A well-balanced snack can help curb hunger and boost energy between breakfast and lunch.

Option 1: Apple Slices with Almond Butter

  • 1 medium apple, sliced

  • 2 tablespoons of almond butter

Option 2: Veggie Sticks and Hummus

  • 1 cup of raw veggies (carrots, celery, cucumber, etc.)

  • 1/4 cup of hummus

Lunch: Refueling Your Body

Lunch should be balanced with a mix of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to keep you full and satisfied throughout the afternoon.

Option 1: Quinoa Salad with Grilled Chicken

  • 1 cup of cooked quinoa

  • 4 ounces of grilled chicken breast

  • 1 cup of mixed greens (spinach, arugula, etc.)

  • 1/4 cup of cherry tomatoes

  • 1/4 cup of chopped cucumber

  • 1/4 cup of feta cheese (optional)

  • 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinaigrette

Option 2: Hearty Lentil Soup

  • 1 1/2 cups of cooked lentils

  • 1 cup of vegetable broth

  • 1/2 cup of chopped carrots

  • 1/2 cup of chopped celery

  • 1/2 cup of chopped onions

  • 1/2 cup of chopped tomatoes

  • Seasonings (salt, pepper, garlic, and herbs)


Afternoon Snack: Keeping Your Energy Levels High

A nutritious afternoon snack can help you stay focused and prevent overeating at dinner.

Option 1: Mixed Nuts and Dried Fruit

  • 1/4 cup of mixed nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc.)

  • 1/4 cup of dried fruit (raisins, apricots, etc.)

Option 2: Cottage Cheese with Fresh Fruit

  • 1/2 cup of cottage cheese

  • 1/2 cup of fresh fruit (berries, pineapple, or melon)

Dinner: A Satisfying End to the Day

End your day with a nourishing, well-balanced dinner with lean protein, plenty of vegetables, and a healthy source of carbohydrates.

Option 1: Baked Salmon with Roasted Vegetables and Brown Rice

  • 4 ounces of baked salmon

  • 1 cup of roasted vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc.)

  • 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice

  • Seasonings (salt, pepper, garlic, and herbs)

Option 2: Stuffed Bell Peppers with Ground Turkey and Quinoa

  • 2 large bell peppers, halved and seeds removed

  • 4 ounces of cooked ground turkey

  • 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa

  • 1/4 cup of chopped onions

  • 1/4 cup of chopped tomatoes

  • 1/4 cup of shredded cheese (optional)

  • Seasonings (salt, pepper, garlic, and herbs)

A full day of nourishing meals is essential for maintaining good health, stable energy levels, and overall well-being. Remember that everyone's nutritional needs are unique, so feel free to adjust portion sizes or substitute ingredients to suit your preferences and dietary requirements. 

As you embark on your journey towards better health and increased energy, remember that small, yet consistent changes can yield significant results. By incorporating nutritious meals and snacks into your daily routine, you're not only fueling your body but also setting yourself up for success for your long term health. So, whether it's starting your day with a protein-packed breakfast or winding down with a satisfying dinner, each choice you make contributes to your overall well-being. 

Let's embrace healthy eating and empower ourselves to live better, one meal at a time. Together, we can stay energized and feel great every day. Here's to your health and vitality!

I love to spend time on this topic with my ladies that I work with. If you are interested in learning more about working with a Nutrition Coach, I do much more than recipes and veggies. We dive into all this stuff, because health is a whole body and mind approach. 

You can learn more about working with me here: Work With Me!