
Coffee and Red Wine - Are They Really Good For You?

 Coffee and Red Wine - Are They Really Good For You?

Can I still enjoy both on my health journey?

I get asked so many questions about Coffee and Red Wine. Should I be drinking it? Is it healthy? Why is it unhealthy? So, in this blog, we break things down for you to get a better idea and choose for yourself.

How To Lose Weight Without Giving Up Wine

How To Lose Weight Without Giving Up Wine

How To Lose Weight Without Giving Up Wine

It’s no lie that alcohol and weight loss goals generally don’t mix, and if we’re being honest, there really are many reasons to reduce or even give up alcohol from our diets and social habits.

On the other hand, having a glass of wine, or whatever your drink of choice may be, is also a cherished pastime, a way of connecting with friends and is infused into most of our social gatherings.

How alcohol influences metabolism

But, word on the street is that alcohol messes with your metabolism - big time! There’s a reason why they call is a “beer belly”. While that's true to some extent, according to some studies, we shouldn’t freak out about it just yet.

Here’s how the metabolic process basically goes when you’ve had a drink: