Natural health

8 Natural Tips To Help With Spring Allergies

8 Natural Tips To Help With Spring Allergies

If you suffer from Spring allergies, you are not alone. Every spring, millions of people suffer from  seasonal allergies. Symptoms can include sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose. 

As the weather warms out, we want to be outside and enjoy the sunshine, but with pollen in the air it can be quite an annoyance and you might just want to stay indoors. 

If you go through this each year, it can be quite an annoyance and a common solution is to purchase over-the-counter medications, as they can effectively control these symptoms- however many of my clients prefer to find more natural solutions and remedies.  

Thankfully, there are natural ways to ease your spring allergies that are effective and readily available. 

Natural Ways to Lower Cortisol Levels

Natural Ways to Lower Cortisol Levels

Cortisol is the body's primary stress hormone. It plays a significant role in many bodily functions, including how it controls our blood sugar levels. It usually starts higher in the morning and then gradually decreases as the day goes on.

Cortisol can also play a role in regulating the body's sleep and wake cycles. It can also manage how the body utilizes nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to help reduce inflammation and plays a role in controlling blood pressure. When we are overloaded with stress, our bodies may need additional help to lower cortisol.

These are some practical ways to lower cortisol levels and, therefore, lower stress.

Natural Remedies for a Sore Throat

Natural Remedies for a Sore Throat

We all know that feeling— waking up to a sore throat and realizing you are getting sick. There are definitely better ways to start your day, but it's essential to have your wellness supplies ready for when sore throats strike.

Luckily, the ingredients you need to help you feel better might already be in your kitchen.

So here are a few natural home remedies for a sore throat so you can relieve some of that swelling and pain and start feeling better as soon as possible.

Golden Milk - Turmeric Recipe

Golden Milk - Turmeric Recipe

Golden Milk - Turmeric Recipe

You may have tried “golden milk” before, but you’ve never tried MY golden milk. Check out my newest recipe that uses the “miracle spice” turmeric.