The 5 Key Mindset Shifts To Help You Stick To Your Healthy Habits

If you're like most people, you've probably tried to make a habit change at some point in your life, only to find that it's harder than it seems. Maybe it went okay for the first few days or weeks, but over time, you slipped back into your old routine. 

Whether it’s a specific goal, New Years Resolutions or getting some news from the Dr that you need to make some changes- we have all had healthy habits in mind that we want to work on. Maybe you have tried a health goal like: 

  • Drinking more water

  • Losing weight

  • Eating more vegetables

  • Getting more exercise

  • Reducing stress

Why is it so difficult to stick to our good intentions? The answer may have less to do with willpower and more to do with our mindset. This is good news, because there’s some key mindset shifts we can make to set ourselves up for success the next time you have a healthy habit you want to improve.


Here are 5 Key Mindset Shifts To Help You Stick To Your Healthy Habits

1. Change your thought from "I have to" to "I get to"

When we view our habits as something we must do, it feels like a chore. This can lead to resentment and eventually cause us to give up altogether. However, when we see our habits as something we get to do—something that's beneficial for us—we're much more likely to stick with it. After all, who doesn't like getting things done?

Instead of thinking: The doctor said I have to eat less sugar because it’s going to lead me to having diabetes

Try this: I’ve signed up for a healthy cooking class with my friend- and we get to make a yummy dinner to take home with us 

2. Change your thought from "this is hard" to "this is worth it"

It's easy to get discouraged when we're trying something new and it's not going as smoothly as we'd hoped. But if we can remind ourselves that the effort is worth the reward, we'll be more likely to push through the tough times. Yes, making a habit change can be hard work, but it's worth it in the end.

Instead of thinking: I’m SO out of shape, it’s hard to even walk around the block

Try this: This is going to be so worth it in the long run- if I just add 2 minutes to my walk every day I can see how much easier it will be 2 weeks from now. 

3. Change your thought from "I'm not sure I can do this" to "I know I can do this"

Self-doubt is a major obstacle on the road to success. If we don't believe in ourselves, it won't be easy to make any progress. On the other hand, if we approach our goals confidently, we're much more likely to achieve them. So instead of letting doubt creep in, try telling yourself, "I know I can do this."

Instead of thinking: I’m not sure if I’ll be able to drink 6 glasses of water per day 

Try this: If I start drinking water right when I wake up, I know i’ll be able to fit in at least 6 glasses of water each day

4. Change your thought from "I'm doing this for myself" to "I'm doing this for others"

It's important that we nurture our relationships with others; one way of doing that is by ensuring we're taking care of ourselves. We're more likely to follow through when we focus on how our actions will benefit those around us—rather than just ourselves. For example, if you're trying to eat healthier, think about how your body will feel better and how you'll have more energy for your loved ones.

Instead of thinking: I’m tired of all the diets, nothing works for me

Try this: I’m going to find a health program that works for me, because I want to be around for my kids.

5. Change your thought from "I'm doing this until..." to "I'm doing this forever"

When we see our habit changes as temporary measures, it's easy to fall off the wagon when things get tough. But if we commit to making these changes permanent fixtures in our lives, we're much more likely to stay the course. So instead of thinking of your new diet as something you're doing until you lose weight, think of it as a way of eating that you'll maintain for the rest of your life. The same goes for exercise, sleep habits, and any other area you want to improve.

Instead of thinking: I’ll just take this 10 day diet to get myself back on track. 

Try this: I’m going to try a new vegetable every week until I have a nice variety of healthy foods in my diet.

 These reframes can help to set us up for success and focus on what’s most important. You. Your health and your long term commitment to better health. 

Making lasting habit changes can be difficult, but it's possible. By shifting our mindset in the ways outlined above, we can set ourselves up for success. So next time you're trying to make a change in your life, remember these five tips and see how they help you achieve your goals.

I highly encourage you to grab a journal and spend a few minutes writing out each one for you- personalize it to your goals, and what you want to achieve. 

Often times, it’s the mindset work that gets us the best results.

Give it a try! 

I would love to hear what mindset shifts you have used. Let me know in the comments below. 

When it comes to health and Nutrition, I'm here to support you. I have a FREE facebook group for women. We talk about things like healthy eating and recipes, but we also dive into mindset. Having support of other women can make a huge difference to keep you motivated and supported on your journey. 

I would love you to come join us! It's FREE, so see you inside! Just click the button below, request access.