Healthy Habits to Start the New Year Off Right

The new year is the perfect time to start building healthy habits (including a perfect morning routine). Let’s start the new year off right and learn about some healthy habits you can add to your daily routine.

It feels like a fresh start, it’s right after the busy holiday season, and we (hopefully) feel rested and re-energized, ready to get back on track.

Whether you want to eat healthier or improve your mental well-being, here are 5 healthy habits that you can focus on in the new year and 5 things you can add to your morning routine.


Limit Screen Time

If the first and last thing you do every day is browsing your phone and checking work emails, try to make a habit of limiting your screen time. When you wake up in the morning, try not to check your phone or laptop for the first half-hour. Instead, use that time for yourself. Set your goals and intentions for the day, make a healthy breakfast, or do your morning workout routine. Before bed, set your phone aside and take time to unwind and relax. This will increase productivity, decrease stress, help you sleep better, and improve your mood.  

Cook More Meals at Home

The holidays are full of good company and good food, but the new year is the perfect time to start using your kitchen again. Not only will cooking your meals save you money, but it will also help you get back on track with your regular routine. You can choose your ingredients, understand what you’re eating (and how much), and eat a balanced diet full of all the nutrients you need. If you struggle to cook, start by making one meal or preparing your snacks at home, and stick to easy recipes until you feel more comfortable.

Move Your Body

This is one of the most common healthy habits we attempt to start in the new year, but it never gets any less important. Try to incorporate some movement into your day, even if it’s just pacing around the house while talking on the phone. If you have a lunch break, use that time to take a walk or do some stretches. If you can, take your exercise outdoors to get some fresh air and clear your mind. 

Practice Self-Care and Hygiene 

Whether it’s getting a manicure or cooking a healthy, delicious dinner for yourself, try to practice more self-care this year. If you find it difficult to do these acts of self-care, start with building small but important hygiene habits, such as a nightly skin routine. Sometimes, it can be challenging to find the motivation or energy, but these small steps will tremendously help your mental and physical well-being.  

Establish a Sleep Schedule

Sleep is such an essential part of health and well-being, but many of us tend to ignore our body’s need for rest. Try to stick to a sleep schedule that gives you 7-8 hours of sleep each night. You should be going to sleep and waking up around the same times each day, regardless of if it’s a weekday or weekend. This helps your body establish a natural sleep-wake cycle, so you get good quality sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, try to cut down on the caffeine and put your screens away at least an hour before bed.

Another great habit to help you start the New Year strong is a morning routine!

We’ve all hit snooze on our alarm one too many times, only to wake up and rush ourselves out the door for work. From the stress to the missed breakfasts, it is not our preferred way to start the day. How you start your morning can set the tone for the rest of your day, which is why it's so important to have some good morning habits. 

Let's walk through five simple morning habits that you can implement right away:

Before Anything, Drink Some Water

Make a habit of drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning. After a long, good night's sleep, your body needs to be hydrated. You can put a glass of water on your nightstand before bed for a visual reminder when you wake up. If you prefer fresh, cold water, put your water bottle beside the coffee machine or something else you use first thing in the morning. These visual reminders are helpful when trying to establish a habit. Warm lemon water is also a great way to hydrate in the morning because it feels energizing and gets your digestive system moving.

Move Your Body 

I know this is mentioned above but seriously… Not everyone enjoys working out in the morning, and not everyone has the time. Try to dedicate a few minutes in the morning to move your body, whether it's a stretching routine in your room or walking your dog around the neighborhood. If you need to, wake up a few minutes earlier to make that time for yourself. Moving your body increases your energy and releases endorphins, so you start your day feeling good and motivated to continue with more healthy habits. If you can, take your exercise outside to get some fresh air.


Mental wellbeing is just as crucial for a healthy lifestyle as physical wellbeing. Take a few minutes each morning to write in your journal. Write down some affirmations, things you are grateful for, or some morning thoughts. This helps clear your mind and sets a positive tone for the morning, encouraging you to make more healthy habits. Journaling and other mindfulness practices, such as meditation, also help lower stress.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

We need the energy to function our best, so that first meal of the day is the most important. Have a well-balanced, healthy breakfast full of protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. Having complex carbohydrates, such as a slice of whole-grain toast, with a source of protein and healthy fats, will keep you satisfied for much longer while also giving you all the nutrients you need.  

Keep Up with Your Hygiene

Your morning routine includes a hygiene routine, whether that's just brushing your teeth and moisturizing or showering and doing all the steps in your skincare. Taking care of your hygiene not only ensures that you're clean and fresh for the day but also reminds you to take care of yourself. It helps decrease stress and starts your day on a more positive note. 

Having this list of healthy habits at your disposal may get you in the mood to create a new healthy routine and start this year off on the right foot. Let me know in the comment section below what healthy habits you will be starting.

Ready to start a healthy routine in the New Year? Check out this super easy Food, Mood and Health Journal to help you get started! It is a fun, free tool to help you pin down your issues, and figure out the changes you