Healthy Snacks For Your Work Day

Does sitting at a desk all day make you crave snacks? It does for me!

If you've ever worked an office job, you know what it's like to be stuck at a desk all day long. Even if you love your job, those days can still be long and repetitive. 

Many office jobs also have something else in common- the break room. There's something about sitting at a desk all day that creates a snack habit to break up the monotony of the day.  It’s also a gathering place to chat with your coworkers, celebrate with birthday cake, or share some treats together. Many times, these aren’t the healthiest treats either- break rooms often have pastries, donuts or cupcakes.  

The idea of a break room is good though- having a place to escape your desk for a few minutes, have some time to chat about things with colleagues, and even get up front your desk to stretch and loop around after a bathroom break. Taking a trip to the break room or vending machine feels like an escape, allows you to be social, and gets you up and moving. These are all great things!  

So then let’s focus on creating a bit healthier snack routine that what might currently be going on in your office.  Today, I want to share with you some of my favorite and simple healthy snacks you can keep on hand for those much-needed snack runs.  


Here are some healthy snacks to keep at work:

The crucial part is to find a mixture of protein, fat, and fiber, so your snack has a little bit of staying power. Feel free to mix and match any of these options to create a perfect snack for your cravings.

  • Seeds, nuts, and dried fruits are easy to keep on hand and store well, meaning you can buy a large bag and keep it in your desk or break room. Less time restocking means less opportunity to run out and needing to find a snack that will leave you feeling that afternoon crash.

  • Pretzels, popcorn, and crackers can be a great option if you are like me and like to have a bit of crunch. It's easy to find organic, whole grain, or gluten-free options for most of these.

  • Granola bars and homemade energy balls can be packed with protein and are quickly thrown together in a pinch. The ingredients needed are usually ones you already have on hand, and these require no baking. They also freeze well so you can make a batch and take 1-2 out at a time. Here’s one of my favorite energy ball recipes: Energizing Powe Balls

  • Quality cheese, tuna, and hard-boiled eggs feel more substantial when you're craving something that feels more like a meal. Each option will fill you up and keep you feeling full for longer. 

  • Apples, bananas, and avocados can sit for a few days on the desk and are easy to consume with little to no prep or mess.

  • Veggie sticks and hummus are one of my favorite snacks. Chop up some carrots, cauliflower and celery, and scoop out a little bit of hummus into a travel container. If you have a fridge available, toss it in there and you can dig in over a few days, so prep once for the week and you have a couple days of snacks!

  • Dehydrated or dried fruit and vegetables can also be easy to keep on hand, as they have lasting power. This may be something like freeze-dried berries, veggie chips, or even wasabi peas.

  • I like to keep some high-quality dark chocolate at my desk for the occasional sweet tooth for quick access. That also saves me from choosing a lesser quality chocolate bar when the cravings arise. 

These are the type of snacks that can provide you with the break you need while also fueling your body. Most can be found in any grocery store, and most are incredibly cost-effective. Those vending machine trips get expensive over time and also lack the nutrients your body is craving -- so with a bit of preparation and planning ahead, you'll be stocked and ready for your snack breaks throughout the day.  

I would love to hear your favorite snacks! Leave a comment below. 

Plus, I have a couple other snack recipes I want to share with you, so click on the related reading below. 

For even more healthy ideas and recipes - sign up to my Nutrition and Wellness Library.