Create a Workout Routine You Can Easily Stick With All Year Long

As we head into the New Year, it’s a time for new beginnings, fresh starts, and setting goals. And this year, I want us all to have goals we can stick with not only for January- but for the whole year ahead. 

If you are someone who goes into a new year with the best of intentions for your fitness, and health in general, but yet something falls short, you are going to find todays blog helpful. 

Sometimes the fault lies in creating goals that are so long-term it's hard to see changes. To fuel our motivation, we need small wins along the way to keep us moving forward. Instead of focusing on long-term ideas, the best way to get unstuck is by looking to the short-term. 

If one of your goals for the new year is to get more exercise, or add in some more regular movement to your day, you will need to start planning your workout routine. But let's be honest, how many times have you started a workout routine only to give up a few weeks later?

If you're tired of starting and stopping your workout routine, let's change that this year. With these simple strategies, you'll be well on your way to a workout routine you'll love, so you can stick with it all year long.  


Here are some fitness tips to help you get to where you're going in a more realistic and fulfilling way: 

Pick an Exercise You Actually Enjoy

One of the main reasons people give up on their workout routines is that they don't pick exercises they enjoy. If you've ever forced yourself to go on a run when you really don't want to, then you know what I'm talking about. If you want to create a workout routine you'll stick to, choose exercises you enjoy. If you hate running, don't make it a part of your routine. There are plenty of other activities out there that will get your heart rate up - keep reading for some ideas below. 

Go for a new type of workout every few weeks

Making a routine out of fitness is undoubtedly important. However, it gets boring if you do the same thing each time. Your body also gets used to these movements and milestones, becoming less effective and challenging. The key is always to raise the bar so you'll keep moving forward. Doing so will also keep you from being bored and skipping out on your fitness goals. 

Work in something calming too

Not every workout needs to be HIIT. Rest days are essential for muscle recovery and development. On the days that you take a break from heavy exercise, try something that is calming. Yoga is an excellent option since you're getting movement while bringing the mind into it for overall wellness. 

Put it on Your Schedule

If you don't plan for exercise, there's a good chance that you'll end up skipping it altogether. Therefore, treating your workouts like any other important task or commitment in your life is important. Whether squeezing them into your daily planner or setting an alarm on your phone, take steps to ensure that you show up for your workout sessions when they're scheduled. By putting exercise at the center of your day-to-day routine, you'll feel more committed and motivated to stay active and reach your goals. 

Focus on The Long Term

When it comes to getting in shape, many of us are motivated by one thing: our weight. We strive to lose those extra pounds in hopes of reshaping our bodies and feeling healthier overall. But while focusing on losing weight can be effective, it can also lead to frustration and burnout when the progress is slow or nonexistent. Instead of focusing solely on your outward appearance, try honing in on your motivation to get into shape in the first place. 

Focusing instead on how working out makes you feel will make you more likely to stick with your exercise routine even when the results aren't immediately apparent. With time and consistency, your focus will shift from an external goal, like looking a certain way, to a deeper desire for health and vitality. And that's something that no number on the scale can ever measure. 

Fuel your hydration

Most people don't get the right amount of water they need for good health. Make it your mission to start drinking more of it. If this is something you struggle to stay on top of, a great idea is to put your bottle of water on top of your smartphone. Every time you reach for your phone, you'll have to grab the water and remind yourself to drink it. When you are hydrated, you have more energy, and when you have more energy you will FEEL more like working out.

Put sleep on your planner

Another thing most people don't associate with fitness is sleep, but it is one of the cornerstones of wellness. You can eat right, drink enough water, exercise, and work on your stress management, but you're doing a disservice to your hard work without good sleep. Set a steady bedtime and stick to it, and try to get up at the same time each day. In a few weeks, you'll see the benefits of sleeping for fitness- because when you are more rested, you’ll be more likely to stick to your workout routine. 

Find a Workout Friend

Working out can be more fun (and motivating) when you do it with someone else. Find a friend, family member or coworker who enjoys working out and has similar fitness goals and work out together. Having someone else counting on you will help keep you accountable and motivated when things get tough. And trust me, things will get tough at some point—that's just part of the process. But if you have someone else working out alongside you, it'll be easier to push through those tough times and stay on track with your goals. Having someone to exercise with that you enjoy having around makes you look forward to these activities, and you'll be far more likely to stick to your routine when you enjoy it and find it fun.

Creating a new year's workout routine can be simple and effective. Just follow these simple tips, and you'll be well on your way to reaching your fitness goals in no time. 

Ready to get started? 

If it feels tricky to schedule an hour-long workout into your day, I have a few ideas you can try out. Start by prioritizing a few days a week at the gym and the rest of your workouts at home sounds. Take the pressure off and find what works for you and your schedule with these fast workouts for busy people — 15 minutes or less, wherever you are.

1. Planking

Planking is a great way to get a lot of exercise done in a short amount of time.  When you assume the plank position, you are working out both your arm and your core muscles. While you will only be doing them for a few minutes at a time, you will see the rapid results with this workout.

2. Burpees

Burpees work well as a kind of cardiovascular exercise that also tones muscles. If you're not sure what a burpee is, it's simple to explain, but not quite as effortless to do!  You will want to get down on the ground as if you are going to do pushups, do one, and get back up and jump in the air.  Repeat this for as many reps as you can.  

3. Lunges & Squats

Lunges and squats are both exercises that are very easy to accomplish, and you can get creative with working them into your day.  You can do squats while you brush your teeth morning and night, lunges around the kitchen while dinner is cooking -- anytime you are standing still during the day, fit in some squats or lunges to pass the time.

4. Workout App

There are tons of in-home workout apps to choose from.  Customize your own HIIT workout, even choosing how long you have to fit an exercise in, and you’ll get a fantastic workout you can do in the comfort of your own home, customized just for you.   

5. Stairs 

Whether you have them in your house or somewhere nearby in your neighborhood, using a staircase to get in some great cardio is a fantastic idea. Run up the stairs, walk down, and repeat.  Get in as many reps as you can, and you will have a heart-pounding workout in 15-minutes or less.

6. Choose to walk more

If you aren't much of a gym person, you can skip it if you get 10,000 steps daily. However, you shouldn't be tallying up every step so much as aiming to simply walk more each day. Instead of driving, walk to wherever you need to go. In some areas, that's not possible, so drive there and park further from the entrance. Make more trips up and down the stairs when cleaning your house. Every step you take makes you more active and aligns you with those goals. 

So no matter what workout you do, make sure you pick one that you know that you are going stick to.  Working out really can be fun if you find some methods that you actually enjoy, rather than dread.   It really is all about finding what you enjoy, because then, you’ll be more likely to keep doing it!

What's your favorite type of workout?  Let me know in the comments below. 

For motivation on creating your new health routine, be sure to join us inside my private FB group: