6 Essential Oils To Soothe Your Skin This Winter

Dry and itchy skin is the worst!

I live in Canada, and if you live anywhere like this, during the dry winter months, your skin is subject to damage from the cold and dry air. These months hold a lot of magic with blankets of white snow and the holidays, but your skin can really take a hit and make things itchy, dry and quite uncomfortable.

While your skin protects, it also absorbs everything you come into contact with which is why it’s so important to nurture and nourish it every day. You’ll want to step up your skincare routine from head to toe to keep your skin looking and feeling fabulous, and the best way to comfort that sensitive skin is to add essential oils to your regimen.

6 Essential Oils To Soothe Your Skin This Fall - blog post graphic

Here are some of the best ones to try for this long, cold winter.

Lavender Essential Oil

Not only is the fragrance of lavender soothing, but it also is excellent for treating sensitive skin conditions. It’s even good for fading scars and stretch marks. You can also add it into your favorite creams and lotions for a soothing boost that adds more relaxation to your routine.

Cedarwood Essential Oil

Cedarwood is outstanding for softening and hydrating skin. It’s very soothing too, making it great for sensitive skin, though any skin type can benefit from it. It also has antibacterial properties, which can help you clear up blemishes. Sensitive skin should always dilute this essential oil though to enjoy the benefits of it without any irritation.

Helichrysum Essential Oil

This is one of my favorites and I include it in my evening facial routine every night! This special essential oil contains molecules that are effective in guarding against free radicals while healing damaged skin. These molecules repair past damages and prevent future ones. It’s gentle enough to be applied directly, though you may want to try adding a few drops of it to your creams or oils as it is quite expensive and you still benefit when it’s diluted.

Sandalwood Essential Oil

That warming, woodsy scent of sandalwood is much more than a soothing fragrance. It can soothe your skin and firm it too. You can smooth wrinkles away, fade scars, and clear up acne. Just add a couple of drops of it to olive oil or coconut oil before applying.

Geranium Essential Oil

Ideal for soothing irritation and redness, geranium oil is a beautiful addition to your bath water. Use it with coconut milk to get the hydrating benefits without bothering your sensitive skin.

While many of these are okay to apply directly, sensitive skin types should always try diluting it and only using it to a small swatch of skin first to be sure it doesn’t trigger any problems. You could play it safe and always dilute any oil with a dab of olive oil or coconut oil. Doing that, you might just discover the best essential oil for your sensitive winter skin!

Apricot Kernel OIL

This one is not considered an essential oil, but I wanted to include it here so you can add it to your list. If your skin is so sensitive everything sets it off, this carrier oil should do the trick. It’s super-gentle and very hypoallergenic. It’s also great for anyone that has a nut allergy. Blend a few drops of any of the above oils into a small amount of apricot kernal oil and apply to the skin for a nice skin soothing winter treatment.

Join me in this fun, free course to learn how to use Essential oils for your home, health and life!  Ready to get started? Essential Oils