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Healthy Indulgences: Satisfying Cravings Without Sacrificing Wellness

Healthy Indulgences: Satisfying Cravings Without Sacrificing Wellness

We've all experienced cravings for certain types of food. It's hard to resist the smell inside a bakery, or popcorn at the movie theatre. But maybe you have wondered, why do we crave specific foods and is there any way to satisfy these cravings without overindulging or perhaps you can make a healthier choice? Let's explore the science behind our most common cravings and how we can manage them. 

6 Foods That Are Sabotaging Your Metabolism

6 Foods That Are Sabotaging Your Metabolism

If your metabolism is healthy and running as it should, it burns off your calories and keeps you feeling excellent. Exercise and plenty of sleep also help your metabolism function optimally, but did you know that certain foods you eat could be sabotaging your efforts?

How to Ditch Those Cravings for Good

How to Ditch Those Cravings for Good

How to Ditch Those Cravings for Good

Cravings of sugar, cravings of chips, cravings of all those yummy but bad for us foods are something we all struggle with. Myself, my clients and I’m sure you too sometimes.

I'm certainly no stranger to the occasional urge to rip open a chocolate bar, or dive into a bag of my favorite chips - and I'll bet you aren't a stranger to this either.  The occasional indulgence isn't anything to be alarmed about, but if you find yourself licking the remnants of these indulgences off your fingers on a more regular basis, you’ll need to practice some control to get in charge of those cravings.

The goal here is to be in charge of your cravings, not have them be in charge of you. 

To Detox Or Not To Detox

To Detox Or Not To Detox

To Detox Or Not To Detox

One of the most common questions I get from my Nutrition clients, is : Should I do a detox? 

I figure I should share my thoughts with everyone, and so I decided to put it into a blog post this week. 

What is Detoxing? 

The removal of toxins from the body. It's normal and it happens in our body every day! Our body is always coming into contact and creating toxins, and so our body can and does detox itself all the time. 

What are Toxins?

Anything the body deems unworthy such as alcohol, caffeine, drugs, excess hormones, pesticide residue or any chemicals. Or extra waste material our body produces.  It's anything the body needs to get rid of. Here are a few kinds and examples. 

  1. External toxins: food additives, drugs, pesticides, etc. coming from our external environment

  2. Internal toxins: hormones or amino acids which are natural byproducts of normal metabolism.

Detoxification is a normal process that allows our body to function without too much backup in our bloodstream.