
My Epic 24 Hour Detox!

My Epic 24 Hour Detox!

My Epic 24 Hour Detox! 

If you’ve been feeling tired, low energy or bloated, then you know more than anyone that you need to cleanse the junk from your body. It’s not always easy picking which path to take to cleanse your body for the results you want. But, I’ve made it super easy with my Epic 24 Hour Detox.

I don’t believe in deprivation, so you will not feel deprived in any way. In fact, you’ll feel quite the opposite because we are going to load up on real food with tons of beneficial nutrients!

The reality is, no matter how clean we eat, we live in a very toxic world. Before we even open our mouths to take a bite of food, we are exposed to vehicular and industrial pollution in the air and toxins in our cleaning products and cosmetics. Not to mention the havoc wreaked on the body by stress. So, the question is not ‘am I toxic?’ but rather ‘how toxic am I?’

Ready to eliminate those toxins that cause weight gain, brain fog, loss of sleep, loss of mental clarity, and fatigue?

Here’s my Epic 24 Hour Detox:

Ginger Hibiscus Iced Tea Recipe

Ginger Hibiscus Iced Tea Recipe


Since you all loved my Sparkling Lemonade Recipe (click if you didn't see it yet), I thought I would share with you another warm weather favorite of mine. This recipe was from my mother in law, and gets tweaked a little bit each time I make it. 

Sparkling Lavender Lemonade Recipe

Sparkling Lavender Lemonade Recipe

Sparkling Lavender Lemonade Recipe

One of my favorite summery drinks- and oh so easy! Summer patio drinks don't have to be sugary or alcohol filled. Here is my simple recipe:

3 Simple Tips To Improve Your Digestion

3 Simple Tips To Improve Your Digestion


Ready to kick start your digestion, have more energy and enjoy your meals more? Try these 3 simple tips!

  1. Start your day with lemon water. Before you eat or drink anything else, squeeze half (or a whole) lemon into a glass of room temperature or warm water. That's it! Lemon water is a great kick start to your digestive system. Among the many other benefits, it helps to flush your system, and detoxify.