Goji Berries

Goji Berries – The Superfood for Health

Goji Berries – The Superfood for Health

Goji Berries – The Superfood for Health

The Goji Berry is quickly growing in popularity for it amazing health benefits and there are some amazingly effortless ways to enjoy this Asian fruit. Goji is available fresh, dried or in juice form. I’m going to give you a run down on why the Goji Berry should be a staple in your diet and some super simple recipes to start taking advantage of what they can do for you!

Wondering why you should add goji berries into your diet?   Goji berries have a long history of health benefits such as Cholesterol Control, Anti-Aging, Cardiovascular Protection, Reduce Stress, Improve Digestion, Protects Brain Cells, Protects Liver, Increases Sleep quality and that is only SOME of the benefits. No wonder it’s called a superfood.  

Most goji berry recipes are simple and require no cooking whatsoever. Goji trail mix for example, involves just throwing goji berries in with other dried fruits and grains for a delicious on the go snack. Simple.