Food journal

How to Improve Your Self Care Through Journaling

How to Improve Your Self Care Through Journaling

Writing in your journal might bring back teenage memories of your secret journal but keeping a self-care version is slightly different. There are some amazing health benefits associated with keeping a journal and writing it in regularly. Self-care is such an important topic and I wanted to discuss the benefits of keeping a self-care journal and the kind of things you can write about to improve yourself love.

How An Elimination Diet Works

How An Elimination Diet Works

That tiredness, bloating, skin rash or brain fog you've been experiencing could be the result of food intolerances.  These discomforts we tend to write off as normalcy can be directly related to what you're eating, and the way to know for sure if what you’re eating is causing you trouble is to try an elimination diet.

Eliminate Food Cravings and Improve Your Mood With This Secret Weapon

Eliminate Food Cravings and Improve Your Mood With This Secret Weapon

Eliminate Food Cravings and Improve Your Mood With This Secret Weapon

Do you keep track of what you’re eating and drinking?

If the answer is “hardly ever” or “never”, you might want to change that! It’s much easier than you think to underestimate how much you’re actually eating and to think that you’re eating healthier than you really are.

When you start keeping track and logging your food and drink consumption (among other things like sleep and stress), you might be surprised at what you find and be able to spot patterns linked to your wellbeing.

Food journaling also keeps you accountable to yourself for meeting your health goals. Knowing that you’re going to have to admit to yourself exactly what you ate can be a game changer when it comes to your eating habits!