New Year, New You: A Roadmap to a Stress-Free, Joyful Life

Have you ever found yourself, at the beginning of a new year, yearning for more happiness and a reduction in stress? If you have, you're certainly not alone. The past year has brought about a whirlwind of events, and the desire for increased happiness and reduced stress seems to be a common theme. It's not just something I've observed; studies echo these sentiments, and my clients frequently express similar concerns.

When we pursue happiness, we often look to things outside ourselves for inspiration. We connect our happiness to what others can see, like meeting certain expectations. But when we can't meet these external standards, it can make happiness seem far away and hard to reach.

However, the secret to genuine happiness lies within ourselves.

It's not about projecting our ideals of happiness onto others or relying on material possessions. True happiness emanates from our inner selves.

While you might have already devised health and fitness goals for the upcoming year, have you considered setting resolutions for other aspects of your life? Let's change our new years goals to not only encompass health but also fun, pleasure and happiness!

Are you ready to start finding your happiness? 


Here are some tips for being happier and less stressed in the year ahead. 

1) Move away from negative thinking 

If negative thinking is a problem for you, it’s definitely something you’ll want to work on changing to achieve your year of happy. Negative thinking can be a vicious cycle that leads to a lot of stress, anxiety and depression. Breaking this cycle is one of the best things you can do for finding a happy and stress free place. 


Being in the present moment is helpful for stopping negative thinking in its tracks. It helps to put some distance between yourself and the things that trigger your negative thoughts. It forces your mind to become aware of negative thoughts and take a step back from them so that they lose their power. 

Reframing your thinking is also a good goal for promoting a happy, stress free life. Do you always tend to think negatively about situations? It can be a big challenge to flip this around and see the positive side of things instead. Start trying to put a positive slant on situations that would normally give you stress and bring your mood down. For the new year, aim to reframe your thinking at least once a day. Over time, you’ll train your mind to look for the positives and encourage different thought patterns. 

2) Immerse yourself in experiences 

Linking your happiness to outside factors often fails to achieve the happiness you were hoping for. Instead of setting goals relating to money, status and other things that you think will make you more satisfied with your life, swap them for authentic experiences that make you feel genuinely happy. Focusing on things like your hobbies and friendships can help you to feel emotions such as joy, contentment and relaxation. 

This has been backed up by a study carried out by a psychology professor at Cornell University. He set out to see whether spending money or having experiences ultimately made people happier. The end result? Experiences had the power to increase happiness, partly due to the fact that we tend to experience them with other people. This gives them more meaning and makes them more memorable. 


3) Practice self-acceptance

In a 2014 study that looked at “happiness habits”, self-acceptance was one of the habits that was deemed most likely to lead to genuine happiness. We’re often a lot kinder to other people than we are to ourselves. If this is true for you, it’s time to change this. 

Being kind to yourself is one of the best things you can do to make this year- the year of happy but it can be difficult to achieve, especially if you’re used to being negative about yourself. 

If you feel you’re not good enough, you’re more likely to look outside of yourself for happiness. If you’re setting intentions around happiness in the New Year, it’s hugely important to work on self-acceptance first and commit to self-love in. 

4) Show compassion and gratitude

As you may know, gratitude and random acts of kindness have both been shown to improve happiness and life satisfaction. One of the reasons for this is the fact that it helps you to feel better about yourself. 

Being thankful can have a major impact on your wellbeing and studies have linked keeping a gratitude diary to optimism, improvements in mood and better physical health. Having a more positive outlook on life can help to reduce stress and cut back on negative thinking, which makes gratitude a much underrated way to feel happier about life. 

A gratitude diary isn’t the only way to feel more thankful. A few ways that you can embrace gratitude include sending heartfelt and handwritten notes to people who have made a positive difference to your life, taking a walk in nature and feeling grateful for the natural world around you, and reflecting at mealtimes on the work involved in getting food onto your plate. 

Research has repeatedly linked kindness to feeling happier. One theory for this involves the production and release of neurochemicals that create a “high” … not that dissimilar to a chemical “high”! It also encourages your brain to release oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone”. 

5) Embark on That Dream Vacation: Turn 'Someday' into 'This Year'.

How often have you said, 'someday I'll go there'? That distant dream destination on your bucket list may be beckoning, but it often remains an elusive promise. With the dawn of the new year, it's time to transform 'someday' into 'this year.' Select that captivating spot you've longed to explore—whether it's a tropical paradise, a bustling metropolis, or a tranquil mountain retreat—and start the journey of a lifetime.

The 'someday' mindset can stall your dreams. Select your dream destination, set a budget and travel timeline, research the best attractions and accommodations, then book your adventure. Embrace the thrill of making it happen in the new year, turning 'someday' into 'this year

6) Conquer Your Fears: Face Your Challenges

Is fear holding you back? Whether it's heights, public speaking, or spiders that make you uneasy, it's time to tackle your fears head-on.

Conquering your fears is a courageous and transformative experience, empowering you to grow and become more resilient. Let this be the year you break through these barriers and emerge stronger and more fearless.

7) Embark on Your Journaling Journey

Have you ever wanted to capture dreams, unleash ideas, or record your thoughts? Now's the time to start. Putting pen to paper is a powerful way to kickstart your personal journey. 

You can begin with my 'Nourish Journal,' a valuable resource to initiate your journaling practice. Your journal will become a place to record your thoughts and a special keepsake of life's moments.


8) Enact a weekly meet-up with loved ones

Whether it's a family dinner night once a week with all the relatives or brunching with your friends, commit to a weekly gathering. It doesn't need to be extravagant. You could even plan a potluck picnic to make it a collaborative adventure. The important thing is to make time for each other rather than let another year fly by and say, "Wow, I haven't seen you since last New Year's Eve."

9) Explore New Passions and Hobbies

Have you ever felt the urge to try something different, whether it's painting, dancing, or gardening? It's time to take that step and dive into unexplored territories. Exploring new hobbies doesn't just add excitement to your life; it can significantly boost your happiness and well-being.

Trying something new can make you feel happy and fulfilled. It's like getting a breath of fresh air for your mind and soul. It lets you be creative, whether you're painting, dancing, or gardening. Exploring new hobbies can bring joy and personal growth. So, pay attention to what's been on your mind, whether it's a dream you've had for a while or something you recently got interested in, and go for it. You might discover a new source of happiness and meaning in your life.

10) Boost Your Mind and Find Happiness Through Reading

Keeping your mind sharp is essential for your overall well-being, and one of the most enjoyable ways to do so is through reading. If you've been postponing this wonderful pastime, consider setting a simple goal to read a specific number of books each month. If you're looking for extra motivation and companionship, joining a book club can be an excellent choice. Not only will you nourish your mind, but you'll also have the chance to make new friends and find happiness in the world of books.

11) Spice Up Your Meals and Discover New Flavors

Are you stuck in a dinner routine, making the same dishes week after week? It's time to add some excitement to your meals by venturing into the world of international cuisine. Whether you've dreamt of creating Chinese dumplings, savoring Indian curry, or mastering the art of sushi, make it a goal to explore a new recipe from a different culture each week.

 It's a tasty way to infuse variety into your meals and expand your culinary horizons, all while discovering the joy of trying something new.

12) Boost Your Career Skills for Greater Happiness

Education doesn't stop when you leave college or begin your career. It's an ongoing journey, and one that can bring you not only professional growth but also increased happiness. 

Embrace the idea of continuously enhancing your skills and adapting to the changes in your industry. Being able to stay ahead and evolve with industry shifts can lead to more significant opportunities and, in turn, a more satisfying career and a larger paycheck. So, commit to lifelong learning, and watch as it transforms your work life and enhances your overall happiness

As we embark on the journey of the new year, let's remember that happiness is not a distant goal but an everyday choice. By embracing these resolutions, from conquering our fears to savoring new cuisines and broadening our horizons, we're paving the way for a happier, less stressed, and more fulfilling life. So, let's step into this year with enthusiasm, embrace change, and make the most of each moment. May the path to happiness be your guiding light, leading you towards a year filled with joy, personal growth, and the pursuit of your dreams. 

Here's to a year of lasting happiness and endless possibilities!

I help women boost their energy with simple strategies and healthy habits so they can enjoy life to the fullest!

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