8 Simple Food Swaps For Better Heart Health

As we age, an important topic to learn about is heart health. Learning how to keep your heart healthy can go a long way toward enjoying years of good health. 

Today, I’m going to share some practical tips and swaps to make heart healthy meals. 


practical tips and swaps to make heart healthy meals. 

Swap refined carbs with whole grains

A popular diet is to get rid of carbs, and that’s NOT what I’m suggesting here at all. I would like to see us swap out refined carbs with whole grains. Whole grains contain fiber which lowers LDL cholesterol, commonly known as the bad type. Fiber takes longer for the body to digest, so you will feel full longer than you would if you eat refined carbs. Swap out white bread with whole wheat, choose oatmeal instead of corn flakes, and make brown rice your carb for balance in your meals. 

Switch out beef

If you eat red meat regularly, then start adding in some other options to your week. You can choose fish, chicken, or turkey, and keep beef at a minimum. For a meatless way to replace beef, go with lentils and other beans, which have the added benefit of more fiber for filling you up. There’s lots of alternatives, and you can add some variety of meals and nutrients to your diet when you switch out beef a few days per week. 

Bake or broil rather than fry

As you likely know, fried foods are not good for us. However, when eating in restaurants, it’s very common to have fried options on the menu. So this swap is to start choosing baked or broiled instead of fried. You'll notice that baked and broiled foods will taste better than fried foods, so this isn't a hard swap to stick to! 

Swap salt with spices

Too much salt can cause issues. I recommend using pink himalayan salt, but even too much of a good thing still can have harmful effects. So get spicy instead! The spices in your spice rack are a far superior way to add flavor and nutrients without adding more salt. Make sure that spice blends do not contain sodium as they can cause blood pressure to rise to unhealthy levels. 

Eating take out food, or in a restaurant is difficult if you are trying to reduce your salt intake, chances are, it has way more salt than we should be eating,  so home cooking is best where you can control the ingredients in your food. 

Choose nuts over chips

Do you like crunchy snacks? If so- then choose nuts over chips. Nuts give you more fiber as well as unsaturated fat. This food swap can make a big difference for snackers. From better heart health, to managing weight, to increasing nutrients, nuts are a great snack! Measure out some snack-sized servings of nuts to keep in your pantry for easy access. 

Satisfy sweetness with fruit

Choose fruit over processed sugary treats when you feel like having something sweet. Whether it be for a snack or dessert- fruit is a great option! Fruit satisfies your sweet tooth and has fiber, so you'll wind up feeling more satisfied when you make this healthy food swap.

Use avocado rather than mayo

Avocados are a heart-healthy swap you can use on your sandwiches. Instead of mayonnaise, mash up an avocado and smear it onto your whole wheat bread or wrap. It will add more flavor and nutrition while keeping your chosen bread from feeling too dry. 

Infuse water instead of drinking soda

Soda is a habit for many people, and with all the sugar and additives in soda, kicking that habit is important for our health. 

If plain water feels boring, then try infusing water with lemon, cucumber, or herbs like mint gives it a delicious flavor and more nutrients. Or drink fizzy water if you enjoy the carbonation, add a squeeze of lime, and chances are you will quite enjoy it! Swapping out your daily sugary drinks for a fun flavored water  will help to keep your heart in good health. And your belly too! 

By making these simple swaps, you'll be taking small steps to achieve big results with the health of your heart and the rest of your body. 

Little things can really make the biggest difference when we stick to them consistently. 

When first starting to make changes, one of the things I do with my clients is have them work on a Food, Mood and Health Journal. This helps you identify where there is room for improvement in your healthy habits. 

Want a copy? It’s free, just click the link to access yours. When you sign up to my resource library, you’ll get access to recipes, journals, and lots of other resources for your health. 

It’s my gift to you- enjoy!