Make Your Own Natural Bug Repellent!

Make Your Own Natural Bug Repellent!

There has been lots of chatter lately about all the bugs, ticks and mosquitoes that come out in swarms this time of year!

Here is your reminder before the upcoming hot, sunny, buggy weekends ahead to get your bug spray ready for when you need it! 

Natural Bug Repellent Recipe

•20 drops Terrashield Essential Oil
•12 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
•10 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil
•8 drops Geranium Essential Oil
•4 drops Arborvitae Essential Oil
•4 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

Use approximately 6 oz glass bottle. Put your essential oils in first, then fill remainder of bottle with fractionated coconut oil or half water and half witch hazel. Using glass is important as Essential Oils can break down your plastic (yuck). 

Spray on you and your family before you head outdoors, and then pack it with you so you can reapply as needed.  

It doesn't just keep the bugs away it also smells nice! If you have a home diffuser, you can put these oils in a diffuser blend and enjoy a bug free patio! 

If you need to stock up on your Essential Oils- click here to shop now:

If you don't have the time (or energy) to make your own Bug Repellent, you can also buy it ready to spray!

I decided to go with the Terrashield outdoor blend ready to use spray version, then its ready to go when I need it!

Terrashield Outdoor Blend

Size: 30 mL

Wholesale: $19.50 US/ $25.00
Retail: $26.00 US / $33.33 CAD

Ditch the chemicals and use this effective natural bug spray instead!

Ready to get started? Grab your choice of Essential oils from my online store.

 Shop here:


To purchase retail pricing, click 'SHOP' at the top. To purchase wholesale, click 'JOIN AND SAVE' at the top. Let me know if you have any questions! You can contact me here: Contact Me

Gaylene Gomez, NNCP, C.H.N.

A little bit about me! I'm Gaylene, a Holistic Nutrition Coach for women. I work with busy, professional women to help them learn about healthy, simple lifestyle changes they can easily implement to reduce belly bloat, lose weight and get through their day with sustained energy. My clients are committed to their health and excited to learn about healthy eating and natural living. I feel proud of them for taking charge of their health and I'm so lucky to work with these amazing women. 

Learn more about me here: About Me