10 Tips for a Joyful and Meaningful Holiday Season

The holiday season can be a big source of stress- whether family, relationships, finances or at work.  If you’ve ever had a big fallout at this time of year, you’ll know how quickly things can escalate when stress rises and frustrations boil over. But it’s not all bad news as the holidays can also be a great opportunity to build deeper and more meaningful connections with family and friends. 

In this blog, I’ll share some tips to help you make this a holiday season to remember.. For all the right reasons! 


Here’s 10 tips to help you make this a holiday season to remember.

1) Reminisce about good times

If the holidays are one of the few times that you get to see certain people, it can be hard to find time to strengthen your relationship before you part company again. One of the ways that you can build a deeper bond involves reminiscing about the good times you’ve shared together. This is a tip that can work equally well with your partner and anyone else you want to feel more connected to.

Taking a walk down memory lane can help you both to focus in on the things that have made your bond stronger. For friends, that may involve thinking about the times you’ve supported each other or the fun things you’ve done together. For couples, positive reminiscence has been shown to improve intimacy and communication. 

2) Communication is key

There’s always a fun and celebratory element to the holidays but there’s also a lot of stress attached to this time of year. This can mean that people hide their emotions and don’t let on how they’re really feeling. 

Check in with people over the holidays and make a point of talking about how you’re both feeling. They’ll be super appreciative that you care and if they are struggling, taking the time to listen and support is a simple but really effective way to strengthen your relationship. Strong family relationships and friendships have great communication and listen to each other. 

Pay attention to how you communicate with your loved ones. This is particularly true when disagreements crop up. Instead of making “you” statements that can quickly put people on the defensive, try focusing on “I” statements instead. These can be less inflammatory and lead to more open communication. 

3) Eat together

This one might seem simple but if you’ve got a busy festive season lined up, spending quality time together at the dinner table can be low down on the priority list. And that’s a missed opportunity to add a bit more depth to your relationships over the holidays. When you do get chance to sit down and eat with family and friends, it’s super important to make sure it’s quality time without distractions. 

This can be easier said than done over the holidays, with so much festive food and holiday movies on - but it can really help your relationships if you can be totally present in conversations and mealtimes over the holidays - especially with anyone you don’t see on a regular basis. If you don’t normally commit to sitting down for meaningful, quality mealtimes, make it more of a priority during the holidays and use it as a chance to build deeper bonds. 

4) Offer a Helping Hand

The holidays can be very stressful, especially for those who are tasked with organizing holiday events. If it’s not going to stretch you too thin, offer to lend a hand with holiday meals or babysitting. Frustration and resentment can quickly cause emotions to boil over during the holidays but helping out can take some of the pressure off them and reduce potential for tension to cause issues. 

Being aware of what they’re juggling and stepping in to support them is a great way to let people know that you care for them. This can have some underrated benefits for your self-care too as thinking of others and doing good deeds for them is linked to better self-esteem and mental health. 

5) Embrace the Holidays

Getting into the holiday spirit can help to bring you closer together with friends, partners and family. Whether this involves creating some healthy festive foods and drinks (which little ones will love to get involved in!) or embracing family traditions that have previously gone by the wayside, look on the holidays as a perfect opportunity to have fun and take part in activities that will help you to bond more with the people around you. 

6) Keep up with your self-care rituals

The festive season can be hugely hectic and it can leave hardly any time for yourself.

Keeping up with your usual self-care rituals is super important for stressing less at Christmas. If you normally do affirmations, meditation, or a long soak in a hot bath, don’t skimp on your routine! These practices can help keep you centered and calm. 


7) Switch up your thinking

It’s super easy to focus on what you can’t do this Christmas, whether you have limited time, money or ability to meet with your family in person. 

Getting stuck in this negative mindset can make the holidays seem less special,  but that can all change with one simple mindset trick. 

Switch things up and think about what you can do. Look for as many creative ways to enjoy the holidays as best you can. 

Be sure to focus on having a positive mindset during the holiday season- spread joy! 

8) Take the focus off expensive presents 

There can be a ton of stress to spend money over the holidays and sometimes, it can take away from the true spirit of the season. 

If you take some focus off of money and presents, then it can make holidays much less stressful and remove some of the material aspects out of the equation.  

Think quality over quantity for presents and go for experiences and memories as the main treats.  It can be something fun your family looks forward to all year long again next year! 

9) Gratitude 

When was the last time you showed the people around you how much you appreciate them? If you can’t remember, the holiday season can be a great time to start. This can be practiced with family, friends and members of your community!

Here’s a few things you can do:

  • Let your family and friends know you’re thinking of them and that you’re super thankful for the moments you’ve been able to share together. 

  • Offer compliments, show gratitude and really focus on the little things that people do for you and use them as your basis to show your appreciation.

  • Creating a handwritten card or note can feel super special for the recipient. These days, we don’t receive many handwritten items and it can feel a ton more personal than an email. 

  • Writing down what you’ve been grateful for this year and hanging the notes as decorations can be a super strong visual reminder. 

The benefits aren’t limited to the people you send them to - according to a study in the Journal of Writing Research, writing letters of gratitude can give you a happiness boost too. 

The great thing about gratitude is that it teaches you to appreciate what you have instead of what you don’t. 

10) Create new traditions

This is a great time to do things that will have a positive effect on other people. Whether you are wanting to save money, create stronger family bonds or focus on gratitude and helping others- this is a great opportunity to create new traditions. 

A few ideas include:

  • Making up packages for older people in your neighborhood 

  • Helping out at a local food bank 

  • Making handmade Christmas cards for vulnerable local people 

  • Bake cookies in festive shapes and giving them as gifts

  • Family walks or drives to check out the Christmas lights

You might even decide to keep some of these traditions going strong for future festive seasons!

As the holiday season approaches, we have the opportunity to transform it into a time of deep connection, joy, and lasting memories. By embracing these tips and making a conscious effort to focus on what truly matters, you can ensure that this holiday season will be one to remember, not for the stress or the hustle and bustle, but for the warmth, love, and genuine bonds you build with your family, friends, and community. 

Let's spread joy, show gratitude, and create new traditions that will not only make this season special but also leave a lasting legacy of togetherness for the years to come. 

May your holidays be filled with love, laughter, and the warmth of cherished relationships. Happy holidays!

If you are excited about the holidays, and you want less stress, more energy and a fun, happy holiday to remember, click here to join me for 12 Days of Wellness!