
Too Much Acid Can Ruin Your Health

Too Much Acid Can Ruin Your Health

Too Much Acid Can Ruin Your Health

The very real dangers of excess acid

Eating an excess of acid-forming foods, such as sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, dairy products and alcohol, can lead to ailments such as poor digestion, constipation or diarrhea, gout, osteoarthritis, leg cramps, bad skin, eczema, and even hypertension and heart disease.

Your risk of developing cancer is also greater because cancer loves acidic conditions. These acidic foods also lower the oxygen levels in the body which prevents proper cellular metabolism taking place, and leads to a serious lack of energy.

Too much acid also has a negative effect on the immune system and can lead to bacterial, yeast and fungi infections. Over acidity also robs the body of very necessary minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. A shortage of these minerals can result in a loss of muscle mass and a deterioration of healthy bones and teeth.    

This condition is also known as acidosis, and can be a devastating threat to your health.