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Healthy For The Holidays

The combination of colder weather and plenty of comfort food can mean that your health and fitness goals are sidelined over the holiday season.

It’s a magical time of year, but it also tends to be very unhealthy too. 

A lot of us feel lethargic and sluggish after overindulging over the holidays. Add in the fact that fitness can go on the back burner at this time of year, and you've got a recipe for feeling unhealthy and gaining some extra pounds.

Lots of people find that they put weight on too, which can be hard to shift come January. If you want to avoid this scenario, you’ll need to be a bit more diligent over the festive period and take a few extra steps to be active and eat well. 

So let’s talk about how you can enjoy a healthier holiday season this year and still keep things fun.

Here are some tips to stay healthy this holiday season, even when you’ve got lots of plans! 

Eat a Good Breakfast

Sweets for breakfast may seem super fun at Christmas but often, it just leads to more snacking for the rest of the day. 

If you skimp on breakfast, it's much more likely that you'll be craving sugary and fatty foods for the rest of the day.

A good breakfast fills you up so you’re less likely to grab every festive treat before lunchtime and sets you up for eating in a more balanced way throughout the day. 

Think poached or scrambled eggs or a bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruit. To put a festive treat on it, you can add in cranberries or pomegranates and dates.

A breakfast that includes protein is a super smart choice to keep you full longer, and bonus points if you can also work in some healthy fats like salmon or avocado.

Be Mindful of Hidden Calories

There’s a lot of ‘extras’ around the holidays- foods we don’t normally eat. So keep an eye out for things that will be full of hidden calories.

  • Sauces can add a ton of extra calories and they can also contain a lot of salt too. 

  • Cranberry sauce can become super unhealthy if it's processed and full of fat, salt, and calories. 

  • Alcohol is also a huge source of hidden calories.

Holding back on these extra calories is possible when you remember to watch out for them, when it comes to sauces make your own! 

Portion Your Meals and Treats

With all the yummy food, it can be super tempting to eat bigger portions over the holidays, especially if you dig out the special plates that hold more. 

Keeping portions to a regular size is important and if you do eat more than normal as a family for meals over the holidays, make the veggies count. 

As a general rule? Aim for half the plate to be made up of veggies and pack in as many different ones as you can to get a wider range of nutrients.

Having a healthier holiday season doesn't mean you have to give up the treats - just portion them instead!

Instead of grabbing a ton of treats and eating them mindlessly, get everyone into the habit of only having a piece or two of chocolate or mini treats rather than full-sized ones. 

This way, the whole family can still enjoy treats but without tons of calories and sugar!

Keep Moving & Get Active as Much as you can

Workouts aren’t your only option for being active over the holiday season. Look for different ways that you can get moving more without having to compromise on enjoying yourself. From winter walks to games and dance offs … anything goes! On a more practical note, you can fit in more steps in your day-to-day life. Going to the grocery store? Park further away than you normally would so you have to walk that little bit extra. Using the escalator? Climb up the steps as you would a staircase, rather than just waiting to get to the top.

Vegging out in front of the television after a big meal can happen over the holidays but it's also a huge factor in adding those unwanted extra pounds over the holidays.

If your Christmas usually goes like this, try switching things up this year. Look for creative ways to get the whole family moving. That can be anything from going for an after-dinner walk to a family dance-off to festive tunes.  

A few more ideas include:

  • Stretching or doing mini HIIT workouts while watching festive films and tv shows

  • Go snowshoeing or cross country skiing with the family

  • Play in the snow or have a snowball fight 

Getting active after eating can help with digestion and minimizes blood sugar spikes. As well as burning calories, this can also keep cravings in check and curb snacking later on.

If you have some busy days and evenings lined up over the holidays, then it might be easy for fitness to slide off your to-do list completely when you’ve got lots of plans. One way around this is to squeeze your workouts in first thing in the morning or earlier in the day so that they definitely happen before your day gets hectic.  

If you’re super busy, you might not have the time or motivation for your usual workouts. Doing something is a lot better than nothing and can help you to stay fit and avoid seeing the pounds creeping on. You may decide to switch up your usual workouts completely to fit the time you have available. 

Give Your Brain a Workout Too

During the holidays, extended periods of sofa time can take a toll on both your body and mind. Excessive screen time can lead to mental sluggishness. To combat this, engage your brain by temporarily disconnecting from your devices and enjoying board games or family-friendly puzzles. Not only is this an enjoyable alternative to binge-watching, but it also provides a valuable mental workout. Additionally, remember that physical activity, such as family outings, contributes to a healthier mind, offering another compelling reason to venture outdoors and enjoy quality time together during the holiday season.

Don’t overindulge

Staying healthy over the holiday season doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a few festive treats too. Don’t beat yourself up for getting into the spirit a little bit … just as long as you’re not overindulging all the time in the name of “holidays” and just make sure that you try to eat healthy the rest of the time. 

This is super important over the holiday season as any pounds you gain at this time of year can be really difficult to lose and often contribute to annual weight gain. It’s definitely a delicate balance between not restricting yourself too much but not going overboard either, even on “cheat” days where you allow yourself a few festive treats. 

Healthier holiday treats

An easy way to enjoy your favorite treats is to come up with your own versions to make them healthier. 

You can put a festive twist on them too so you don’t feel like you’re missing out over the holidays. Adding flavors such as gingerbread and cinnamon can bring a winter or Christmas vibe while still being a ton healthier than processed treats. 

Want a guilt free way to “cheat” at holiday parties without throwing your hard work out of the window? Try making super healthy versions of your favorite holiday treats and take them with you to any holiday events that may otherwise hinder your healthy eating plans. 

There are lots of ways to make super healthy versions of the festive treats you love, without compromising on taste. And if you share them at holiday events, you’ll probably find that your friends and family love them too and won’t even notice that they’re so healthy. 

Drink plenty of water

Water is really important for keeping yourself hydrated over the holidays, especially if you’re indulging in alcoholic drinks. That’s not the only reason to make sure that you keep up with your fluids though. It’s also very useful for helping you to feel full, which can cut down on the amount of holiday snacking you do. 

Don’t sit for too long

Do you know about the dangers of sitting down a lot? It includes things like weight gain, back pain, heart disease and more. 

Chances are, you probably spend a lot of time sitting down over the holidays. From travelling to visit family, cocktails with friends to watching holiday shows and movies, there’s a huge amount of potential for lazing around during the festive season and that can make you more likely to add a few extra pounds. Plus, it’s not good for your health either. Try to get up and move about for at least 5 minutes out of every hour you spend being inactive. This can counteract some of the downsides of sitting too much. 

As you embark on this holiday season, remember that you have the power to make it a healthy and enjoyable time. The colder weather and the abundance of tempting treats don't have to sidetrack your health and fitness goals. By starting your day with a nourishing breakfast, being mindful of hidden calories, and portioning your meals and treats, you can savor the season without regret. 

Staying active, whether through family activities, quick workouts, or simply taking more steps, will keep you feeling energized and balanced. And while indulgence is part of the holiday spirit, you can create healthier versions of your favorite treats. Hydration and avoiding prolonged sitting are additional keys to a healthier, happier holiday. This year, make it a season of both joy and well-being by embracing these tips. 

Wishing you a wonderful and healthy holiday season!

Now that you are in the spirit of the season, join me for 12 Days of Wellness! Its a fun, holiday themed healthy program to keep your energy up and stress down for the holiday season. You can join me here: 12 Days of Wellness

Related Reading:

How To Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

Creating a Stress Free Holiday

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