Weight Loss

How To Lose Weight Without Giving Up Wine

How To Lose Weight Without Giving Up Wine

How To Lose Weight Without Giving Up Wine

It’s no lie that alcohol and weight loss goals generally don’t mix, and if we’re being honest, there really are many reasons to reduce or even give up alcohol from our diets and social habits.

On the other hand, having a glass of wine, or whatever your drink of choice may be, is also a cherished pastime, a way of connecting with friends and is infused into most of our social gatherings.

How alcohol influences metabolism

But, word on the street is that alcohol messes with your metabolism - big time! There’s a reason why they call is a “beer belly”. While that's true to some extent, according to some studies, we shouldn’t freak out about it just yet.

Here’s how the metabolic process basically goes when you’ve had a drink:

Ready To Lose Your Belly Fat?

Ready To Lose Your Belly Fat?

Ready To Lose Your Belly Fat?

Here’s a question I get all the time: Can You Really Lose Just Belly Fat?

The quick answer is Yes...and No.

The ‘NO’ part is that “spot reduction” or losing fat from just one area on your body has officially been labeled as a myth. Fat can’t just choose to come off from only one area!

So, it truly doesn’t matter how many crunches you do or the number of ways you exercise your abdominal muscles - you’re not going to suddenly be equipped with a 6-pack unless you focus on the bigger body composition picture - and that’s a combination of exercise AND nutrition.

But, the real question should be this:

Why are you seeing excess fat on your belly in the first place?

The Connection Between Exercise, Sleep & Your Weight

The Connection Between Exercise, Sleep & Your Weight

The Connection Between Exercise, Sleep & Your Weight

When it comes to managing your health and your weight, it’s no secret that exercise and sleep are huge factors. 

In my recent 4 part video series- the Four Pillars of Health, we learned about incorporating Healthy Eating, Exercise, Mindset and Sleep, and why they are all important for our health. (Link at the bottom in case you missed this series)

You know that exercise will help you burn off some extra calories and boost your metabolism. But you also know that sleep is essential for your overall health and well-being.

So, is it better to skimp on sleep and get up early to workout?

Or is it better to sleep in and skip the gym for another day?

Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that. We need exercise to sleep better but we also need sleep to exercise. And when it comes to weight management, we need both.

So let’s take a closer look at how exercise and sleep affect each other and which one takes the lead when it comes to managing your weight.

Get Slim Without The Gym

Get Slim Without The Gym

Get Slim Without The Gym

It's a hot topic right now- weight loss. I hear over and over that my ladies want to lose wight, BUT they don't want to go to the gym, and they don't want to do some things they KNOW they need to be doing. So, I want to break it down and make it a bit easier. Learn 5 Fat Burning Techniques to Lose Weight Comfortably in your home.

Finding the time to work out can be hard enough with our busy lives. And I personally don't go to the gym. I like doing things on my own schedule. I know for many of my clients, time and comfort is of the essence. So taking a 15-minute drive back and forth from the gym, and encountering ogling strangers during your workout, can be a complete turn off. So maybe you don't need to workout at the gym at all. Sound good?