
Cherry-Ginger-Lime Smoothie

Cherry-Ginger-Lime Smoothie

Cherry Ginger Lime Smoothie Recipe

Smoothies are a great way of getting more fruits, veggies and nutrients into your day. This one has a bonus of being great for sleep!

This recipe has a natural source of sleep nutrients - Montmorency tart cherries! They’re naturally rich in melatonin, tryptophan (the amino acid responsible for the infamous “turkey coma”), vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium, plus a bit of Magnesium.

Give it a try and make sure to share it with a friend who has trouble getting their zzz’s!

6 Ways to “Biohack” Your Sleep

6 Ways to “Biohack” Your Sleep

6 Ways to “Biohack” Your Sleep...Naturally

When was the last time you woke up without an alarm, refreshed and didn’t need a big bucket of coffee to get going in the morning?

There’s no question that many of us want more and better sleep! But, with all of the distractions, and stresses of daily life - it’s a wonder how any of us sleep at all...ever!

I blame it on today’s culture of being busy all the time and feeling like we need to hustle through our day in order to succeed. For many, life seems to be a constant state of digital stimulation, hustle and bustle.

Truth is, not getting enough sleep impacts our brain health and memory long term, and even our body’s ability to detoxify and renew itself through cellular turnover and repair. 

So, it’s really no wonder that we’re seeing an exponential increase in diseases like obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disorders, and adrenal dysregulation. In fact, lack of sleep messes with many of our hormones - and you know what happens when our hormones aren’t happy!

Speaking of hormones - did you know that we have 400 times more MELATONIN (the body’s natural “sleep hormone”) in our gut than in our brains? That’s reason enough to focus on gut health as part of a healthy sleep routine!

Stress and Your Adrenals- What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Stress and Your Adrenals- What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Stress and Your Adrenals- What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Stressed? Tired? Craving sugar? Can’t sleep?

These are all common complaints from my clients, so maybe you have these problems too.

All of these can be related to the constant stress we feel in our lives. We know that stress can have a huge impact on our health and wellness. And, since your adrenal glands produce stress hormones, adrenal fatigue (or “HPA Axis Dysregulation,”) is a popular theme lately.

Your adrenal glands look like walnuts that live on top of both of your kidneys. These important glands produce many hormones, including stress hormones.

But what happens when they become “overworked?”

You’ve heard of “adrenaline junkies,” right?

Adrenaline and cortisol are the stress hormones that give you the commonly known adrenaline rush; when you're totally alert and living in the moment. This feeling is known as your body's "fight or flight" response.

Some people (perhaps you?) just love that intense feeling.

The release of hormones in the fight or flight response is your body's normal reaction to stress.  Stress can sometimes be positive, like when it helps you swerve and prevent a crash.

After a short time, the flight or flight response dissipates, your body goes back to normal, and all is good. 

But what would happen if you felt constant stress? Like all day, every day? Like “chronic” stress?

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Weight Gain?

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Weight Gain?

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Weight Gain?

Are you stuck trying to figure out why you’re gaining weight — or why it’s so difficult to lose those extra pounds that just seemed to sneak up on you despite not changing your diet or exercise habits?

This is often referred to as Weight Loss Resistance - and it’s exactly how it sounds: weight that just won’t budge no matter what you do!

Here’s one surprising reason why you might be gaining weight or experiencing weight loss resistance: lack of good quality, restorative sleep.

In fact, there are actually science-backed reasons why a lack of sleep can be a strong contributing factor to not being able to maintaining a healthy weight.

Why Lack of Sleep Causes Weight Gain

If you thought unsightly dark circles under the eyes were the worst outcome from cutting corners on sleep, you may want to think again.