How To Make Veggie Juice Taste Good!

Are you ready to make yummy and healthy vegetable juice?

Juicing has a bad name for tasting awful- but it doesn't have to be that way! I have a few tricks to help you actually enjoy drinking carrots and spinach ;-)

Before we get there, let’s start with a few health benefits of juicing:

  • Juicing can be a great way of getting more vitamins and minerals into your diet. Many of us don’t eat enough fruits and veggies, so juicing adds in some extra! Don’t rely on juice alone though- eating whole foods is important for a healthy diet.

  • Nutrient dense foods like veggie juice can help give us a boost of energy. If you struggle with low energy, juicing is a better option than caffeine or sugar for that afternoon fix!

  • Vegetables have a lot of water, so drinking veggie juice is great for hydration! If you don’t drink enough water, then adding a veggie juice can sure help to stay hydrated.

  • and more! I talk more about health benefits in other blog posts- but wanted to give you a few ideas why including juicing might be a good addition for you!

How to make veggie juice taste good - blog post graphic

5 Tips to make veggie juice taste good

  1. Always add a piece of fruit to sweeten it up. An apple, a pear, or an orange will do wonders if you are just getting started juicing.

  2. Start with easy to juice veggies like cucumbers or zucchini. They both have a high water content, so you get a lot of juice out of it, and they don't have a strong flavour, so it goes down pretty easy.

  3. Do you like ginger? Cut off a piece about 1/2 inch long and toss it into your juicer. A little goes a long way, gives your juice a bit of kick, and you won't even remember you are drinking broccoli.

  4. Finish off with an herb such as mint or basil and perhaps you will really start to enjoy it!

  5. Sometimes seeing a green drink is enough to set off the dislike taste buds. Try using a colored cup or a coffee mug so your eyes are not making the decision on how it tastes.

Once you make a few different juices, you will get to know what you like and what you don’t like. For some people- broccoli just isn’t good in juice. For others, they love the herbal flavors like mint to make their juice palatable.

If you make one juice and don’t like it, keep trying, tweaking your recipe until you have one you love. I know it took me awhile, but now I have my favorite recipe down to a science. It includes spinach, carrots, ginger, apple, celery. Then sometimes I make little tweaks with other veggies I have on hand.

Drink up and enjoy!

Do you have any tips on making your juice taste good! Please share below!

Related reading: 

Don't Have Time To Eat Healthy, I Have A Solution

Why Juicing Should be a Part Of Your Day

5 Ways To Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Want to get started on a healthier path? I have some free resources to help you get going!