
Why Should Juicing Be Part of Your Day?

Why Should Juicing Be Part of Your Day?


The main reason? Because neither you, nor I, nor most other people eat enough veggies each day.

Juicing fruits and veggies is the easiest way to add needed nutrients into your day. MOST of us do not eat near enough green stuff.  Juicing allows you to intake a large amount of nutrients in a rather small package. In terms of volume, you would have to eat a lot of fruits and veggies, in one sitting, to make up for the same amount of nutrients you can drink in a single glass.

Lets be honest, todays' hectic lifestyle, makes it challenging to prepare nutritious meals regularly. With juicing, you get the most bang for your buck. The most amount of nutritious intake for the least amount of your time and day. 

How To Make Veggie Juice Taste Good!

How To Make Veggie Juice Taste Good!

How To Make Veggie Juice Taste Good!

Juicing is known for tasting awful- but it doesn't have to be that way! I have a few tricks to help you actually enjoy drinking carrots and spinach ;-)

  1. Always add a piece of fruit to sweeten it up. An apple, a pear, or an orange will do wonders if you are just getting started juicing.
  2. Start with easy to juice veggies like cucumbers or zucchini. They both have a high water content, so you get a lot of juice out of it, and they don't have a strong flavor, so it goes down pretty easy. 

5 Easy Ways to Eat More Fruits + Veggies

5 Easy Ways to Eat More Fruits + Veggies

We all know we are supposed to eat 7-10 servings of fruits and veggies each day. But that's a LOT! If you were a rabbit able to graze on the grass all day- easy enough, but you are probably busy, perhaps trying to cook for your family, maybe have picky eaters- maybe YOU are the picky eater (I know I am- I'll admit it).

For your health, and longevity, it is important to make an effort. But where to start? Please read on for 5 easy ways to get those vital nutrients into your day.