Ginger Hibiscus Iced Tea Recipe

When it’s warm, all you want is a refreshing cool drink. I’ve shared many water infusion and tea recipes but I thought I would share with you another warm-weather favorite of mine from someone very special.

This recipe was from my mother-in-law and gets tweaked a little bit each time I make it. 

Ginger Hibiscus Iced Tea Recipe- blog post graphic

This Ginger Hibiscus Iced Tea recipe is so refreshing, and with the soothing ginger, detoxing lemon and anti-inflammatory hibiscus, it's also super good for you!


  • 1 tsp green tea

  • 1 tsp diced fresh ginger

  • 1/8th cup dried hibiscus (aka Rosa De Jamaica) You can find these in a health food store- or if you have a friend going on holidays to Central America, get them to bring you a big bag back (that's what I do)

  • 1 lemon

  • 1 litre of boiling water


  1. Boil water and pour into glass pitcher.

  2. Steep your green tea, ginger and hibiscus in hot water for 10 min (or longer if you like stronger flavor). Quantity of each ingredient can be customized your preference. Since ginger is amazing for digestion, I often add a bit extra.

  3. Pour over ice and squeeze one lemon on top. 

  4. Enjoy!

If you liked this recipe, you might like a few of my other favorites.

Related reading:

Yummy, Infused Water Recipes

Sparkling Lemonade Recipe

I share tons of healthy, yummy and easy recipes inside my Nutrition Resource Library. It’s free to sign up and you can get instant access here:

I would love to hear if you try this out, let me know in the comments below!

Gaylene Gomez, NNCP, C.H.N.

A little bit about me! I'm Gaylene, a Holistic Nutrition Coach for women. I work with busy, professional women to help them learn about healthy, simple lifestyle changes they can easily implement to reduce belly bloat, lose weight and get through their day with sustained energy. My clients are committed to their health and excited to learn about healthy eating and natural living. I feel proud of them for taking charge of their health and I'm so lucky to work with these amazing women. 

Learn more about me here: About Me

Ginger Hibiscus Iced Tea