Detox Water Recipe

We all know that drinking more water is important, but did you know that adding some simple ingredients can help even more! If you want to boost your energy, lose weight or make drinking water a bit easier, more flavorful and fun, then you will love this.

Make up a pitcher and drink it through the day!

Detox Water Recipe with watermelon lime and cucumber - blog post graphic

Makes 4-6 servings


  • 4-6 cups fresh, filtered water (or sparkling mineral water for extra zip and a dose of minerals)

  • 1 cup Watermelon, cubed

  • ½ cup English Cucumber, sliced

  • ½ - 1 whole Lemon (or Lime), sliced

  • 1- inch knob of Ginger, minced

  • 5-8 Mint Leaves, lightly crushed


  1. Wash the rinds of all fruits well first, then prepare and cut up all fruits. 

  2. Mix all ingredients in a large glass pitcher, and let mixture sit in the fridge for at least one hour to allow fruits to infuse.

  3. You may choose to strain the fruit before serving so it doesn’t “dump” into your glass.

  4. Enjoy several glasses throughout the day.

  5. If using sparkling water, ensure that you put a cover on your pitcher and enjoy by the end of the day, otherwise it will be flat!


If you want to learn more about Detoxing your body, why it’s important and how to get started, then watch this FREE video training. Click here to get started! 10 Day Detox