Compass Rose Nutrition & Wellness

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The Four Pillars Of Health (Pillar 1- Nutrition)

Ready to uplevel your health? It takes more than just a good diet, but that IS one of the key steps.

Pillar 1- Nutrition

As I work with new clients, they think we are just going to overhaul their diet. It makes sense, I am a Nutrition Coach, so of course we are going to talk about food and what you eat.

However, there is SO much more to health than just nutrition

There are actually 4 key pillars to optimal health.

This is an important topic to me, because I have spent so much time working on my own health, and with clients, that I always find big gaping gaps missing. And when we fill that gap, things start to change. Things get better faster than we ever thought possible.

If you are trying to lose weight, have more energy, feel strong and healthy and build your relationship with your body and with food, then you NEED to have all 4 of these in place.

Want to hear them?

The Four Pillars of Health- Pillar 1- Nutrition

This is going to be the MOST obvious, so I decided to start with this one first.

Ready? Push play on video 1 below.

As a nutrition coach, I’m here to help you succeed with your health goals, including weight loss, energy, digestive problems and low energy. My focus is gut health, but we make it fun by nourishing our body from the inside out.

If you want to grab the freebie I mentioned in the video, you can sign up for FREE here:

Stay tuned for pillar #2 where we are going to talk about Exercise and how it fits into your healthy life. It’s another important step, so keep your eye out for it.