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Stress Free Holiday Hosting Tips

The stress of the impending holiday season is enough to take an experienced host out of their Thanksgiving turkey, tryptophan-induced coma and turn them into a Christmas- crazed, Black Friday maniac. With these helpful hints, avoid the craziness of the masses and retain your sanity. 

  1. Delegate! Although hosting the perfect holiday celebration may feed your ego, it may also provide you with sleepless nights before the big event. Don't be afraid to delegate tasks. Send your spouse to the store with a list of last minute items; have your kids vacuum and clean up around the house. When a guest asks what they can help you with or brin, ask them to bring a plate of food or some fresh fruit and vegetables so you can cut them up and have some healthy options readily available while you cook and get organized in the kitchen.

  2. Watch the clock. If you know the post office or the grocery store becomes chaotic at 4:30 pm every afternoon, plan your trips accordingly. Avoiding long lines, impossible parking times and crazed holiday crowds will help you keep your cool. If you cannot fit these tasks into your schedule at any other time, see tip number one! Delegate tasks out so you don't feel burdened with everything.

  3. Give your hand a break! When contemplating all the Christmas cards, holiday invitations and thank you notes to be written, you may already have a hand cramp. Create digital versions of cards that can be typed up and printed easily. Not only will this save you time, you'll save your hand some pain!

  4. Stay healthy. Try to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night, drink enough fluids and take some supplements such as ecchinacea, Vitamin C and B12 to help combat stress and potential sickness. While you're busy taking care of guests, family and friends, don't forget to take care of yourself.

  5. Shop online. Although there's something immediately gratifying about leaving the store with a fistful of shopping bags, shopping online can eliminate the insanity of the instore experience. Many online stores offer free shipping, 'receive by Christmas' guarantee dates or a huge variety of gift ideas. Shop online and avoid the mob flocking to the local mall. And the best part? You'll snag up a deal as most online stores offer big discounts off their items.

  6. Remember the 'reason for the season'. Instead of allowing the stress and circumstances to overwhelm you, take a moment to reflect on why your family and friends are gathering. Be thankful you are able to spend time with your loved ones. The holiday season is about giving thanks and showing appreciation.

For healthy recipes for your holiday dinner celebrations, check out some of my favorite holiday recipes by clicking the links below!  

 Related reading:

Creating A Stress Free Holiday

Stop The Holiday Stress With These 11 Stress Busting Tips