Compass Rose Nutrition & Wellness

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Radiant Skin: Nourishing Food for a Healthy Glow

Do you want to have smooth, young looking, healthy skin? Of course- we all do! And although there are millions of creams and cosmetics that promise that youthful glow, in todays blog we are going to talk about foods to eat, foods to avoid as well as foods to use in your skincare routine for fresh, vibrant, healthy skin.

As a health and nutrition coach- my main focus with clients is always to nourish our body. And when we do that well, we are rewarded with healthy skin, because it is a reflection of our internal health.

If we load our body up with nutrients like water, essential fats, vitamins and amino acids our skin will be healthier looking. If we don’t- then we can have skin problems like dryness, redness or blemishes. 

The good news is that it’s easy to get started and there are lots of things you can do to nurture and nourish your skin for better health from the inside and from the outside. 

In this blog we are going to look at food, drink and lifestyle tips that I highly recommend, and some to avoid if your goal is healthier looking skin.

Foods to INCLUDE for healthy skin: 

First things first -- what you put inside of your body daily helps regenerate your skin cells and give you that healthy-looking, glowing skin.  Healthy from the inside out is a real thing -- so being mindful of eating whole fruits and vegetables regularly is essential. Here’s a list of specific foods to include in your day for healthy skin. 


Hydration is key for healthy-looking skin. Water and other hydrating fluids are great to help your skin stay moist and supple. Pure water is great, but for an extra hydrating boost, try green tea- it’s anti-inflammatory as well as other health benefits.  


Fish contains many nutrients that are important for skin health. Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory to help calm inflammation. Vitamin A can help with blemishes and dryness, while vitamin D helps with skin tone. 

Bell peppers, citrus, and broccoli

These veggies are great to include regularly in our diet for skin health. Vitamin C is necessary for your body to make collagen. Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in our body and it helps our skin stay firm and supple. So foods that are rich in vitamin C are great for your skin. 

Important note: Overcooking vitamin C-rich foods can destroy some of the skin-supporting vitamins so have these lightly steamed or raw for maximum vitamin C levels.

Bone broth

Homemade bone broth contains a lot of the amino acid glycine. Glycine is another essential component of the skin protein collagen. Glycine helps speed the healing of the skin and the gut. 

Sleep more & stress less

I know these aren’t foods, but they’re an important part of naturally great skin. When we don’t sleep enough, or stress too much our whole body is affected, including our skin.

Stress hormones can increase inflammation and lead to not-so-healthy looking skin. Prioritize sleep and stress management, and you can see results in your life, and in your skin.

Foods to avoid for healthy skin

Let’s move into foods that can cause issues for your body, your health, and your skin. 

Some foods are allergenic or inflammatory. It's hard to come up with one list of inflammatory or allergenic foods for everyone because each person is biochemically unique, so you may have to go through this and see what applies to you. 

There are a few common allergens that may be a good idea to test or eliminate from your diet. 

Processed foods 

Pre-packaged and fast foods can affect your health in many ways- including how your skin looks and feels,  and are not good for anyone. Do your best to avoid pre-packaged and fast foods as much as possible. Instead choose whole foods as they are better for your skin, your body and your mind. 


While only a small number of people have serious reactions to gluten (i.e., celiac disease), many more people are intolerant to it. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and a few other grains. Many people have had several health concerns, including skin issues, clear up after eliminating gluten from their diets. It might be fine for you- but if you do have skin concerns, this is one food to look at. 


This is another food that is fine for some people, and not for others. Many people who reduce or cut out dairy report better skin- this could be a hormonal response or even an insulin response, science is not clear on this, but if you are struggling with your skin it could be something worth testing. 

Now that we have addressed what you put and don’t put IN your body, let’s look at using food as natural skincare and how you can put healthier things on your body. 

As your skin ages, if taking care of your skin is important to you- then you have probably tried a number of different products from your favorite brands and stores. If you purchase top of the line skin care products, you have seen many big promises and many expensive products.

Good news, there are numerous foods you can use as natural skincare too. You likely already have these things lying around your kitchen -- so give them a shot. 

Foods for Natural Skincare

Coconut Oil

One of the most versatile ingredients by far is coconut oil. It is incredible for delivering intensive hydration to dry skin. It’s also great as a natural make up remover without having to rub and scrub. 

Coffee Grounds

Do you have a cup of coffee in the mornings? Before you toss those coffee grounds, set them aside to use as an energizing scrub for your skin. It blends perfectly with that coconut oil for a fantastic moisturizing exfoliant that rids you of dull skin cells and smooths out skin with softness.


If you love eating avocados, set a little bit aside to put on your skin. Rub the avocado on your hands or face and you will feel soft and moisturized.  Mashing a banana in with avocado and drizzling with olive oil makes a fantastic, hydrating face mask that you'll absolutely love.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is ideal for smoothing away the signs of aging. It contains lactic acid and probiotics which are both great for healthy looking skin. It’s simple to use, just slather it on your skin and let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. 

Green Tea

Brew up some green tea, have a drink of course- but set some aside to cool and put it in a clean, clear spray bottle. Put it in the fridge for a cool toner full or natural antioxidants to fight the signs of aging. You can also apply it with cotton pads to refresh your skin every day.

Raw Organic Honey

Honey is one of my favorite tips- it is both antibacterial and soothing on the skin. It helps calm irritated, red skin, plus it can clear up scars and encourage skin regeneration. You’ll have a more refined appearance just by smoothing honey onto your skin. 


You’ve seen this tip in movies where the women visit spas and have a face mask with cucumber slices on their eyes. Rich with ascorbic acid, cucumbers have long been known as a natural way to depuff the under-eye area. Puree the juices from your cucumbers to use as a tonic, and you’ll have soothed, calmed skin you’ll love to show off.

So gather some of these ingredients to keep in your kitchen so that you can create your own skin care products and have a special spa day whenever you want! 

Achieving radiant skin begins from within. By prioritizing hydration and incorporating nutrient-dense whole foods into your diet, you're providing your skin with the essential nourishment it needs to thrive. Equally important is being mindful of the foods that may have adverse effects on your skin and steer clear of common allergens and inflammatory foods so that you can pave the way for healthier, glowing skin. 

Embrace the power of nourishing foods for radiant skin that shines from within!

Join me in this fun, free course to learn how to use Essential oils for your home, health and life!  Ready to get started? Essential Oils

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