Compass Rose Nutrition & Wellness

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Essential Oils and Your Immune System

If you are feeling sluggish, or know you will be going through a period of stress, travel, or in large groups of people, one great way to build our immune system is with Essential Oils.

Fall is a great time to work on building your immune system, but we can get sick at any time of the year, so we should really be thinking about this topic all year long. 

But as the weather cools off, we often spend more time indoors, more time in recycled air, and more time around other people and their germs. 

How does this work? It's simple, really! 

Essential Oils are made from plants, herbs and flowers and are the purest, strongest form of the extraction. These different oils are then blended together to provide health benefits. 

Each different oil contains different benefits. For example, lemon and citrus are purifying, and germ killing. It stimulates the immune system and increases lymphatic circulation. Eucalyptus helps to open your breathing passages, and this is why you commonly see eucalyptus in throat lozenges. Oregano is antiseptic and helps to kill viruses. Mix these with ginger, clove, cinnamon and others, and you have a great chance of beating that cold before it hits you hard. 

Essential oils can be used a few different ways- including topically. Mix with small amount of coconut oil and massage onto bottom of feet at bedtime. You can also use an oil diffuser and fill your space with the scent!

The easiest way to get the most benefit is to use these oils is in blends. That way, you get benefit of more than one oil at a time.  

One of my favorites for helping to boost the immune system is doTERRA's On Guard Blend. 

To learn more about my favorite oils, and where to purchase, click here: Essential Oils

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