Compass Rose Nutrition & Wellness

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3 Healthy Ways To Celebrate Leap Year

Leap year! This special day comes only once every 4 years! I would say that's a reason to celebrate!! However, celebrating in a healthy way can be a struggle.

I think that celebrating yourself, and your health, and all those wonderful things you have in your life for an extra day this year is important. 

Here's 3 healthy ways to celebrate!

  1. Take a good look at where you are, and where you want to be in 30 days, 60 days, or this time next year. Now sit down and set yourself some healthy goals. Make a list and be bold! Think big!! Want motivation and support? Check out my Facebook group for support!

  2. There are sales out there today! Have you been keeping you eye open for a new juicer? A gym membership? Or something else you have been putting off? Look around, and you might be surprised, I have seen all kinds of sales hitting my inbox this morning. Time to take that step, and buy yourself that (healthy) something you have been saving for.

  3. Make time for something you love! You were given an extra day this year... so make it worthwhile. We all wish for more hours in a day, as we get busy with life, family, friends, work and everything else. Well, today, instead of more hours, we were given a whole extra day! I know it doesn't mean you have the day off (I don't either). But look on the brightside, and appreciate the extra day this month. Go for a walk, spend it with family or sneak in that workout on your lunch break....  Make time today to do WHATEVER it is you always wish you had more time for. 

I would love to hear about your plans for this special day! Comment below to share ideas how to make Leap Year special!

If you need motivation and support, check out and join my Facebook Group. Click here to join —> Facebook Group

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